Chapter 56

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Our weeks together continued in the same way. They were filled with love, relaxation, and time spent together. Just the way I wanted our life to be.

Now it was our final night here and Alexia had made a reservation at a restaurant by the beach. She was sitting in the kitchen with me. All our makeup products were spread over the kitchen island. Music was playing from the speakers, and we were both singing along while getting ready.

I was sitting in my underwear, with a full face of makeup on, curling my hair. A white lace dress was what I was going to wear to dinner. I had no idea what Alexia would be wearing, but I had bought it just before we left, and had fallen in love with it.

Thirty minutes later we walked out of the door. Slowly making our way towards the restaurant. As usual my hand was resting in Alexia's, because how could I ever voluntary walk without holding my girlfriend's hand?

Alexia was also wearing a white dress. She looked angelic, with her long hair and simple makeup. I still couldn't believe that she and I were together. That she wanted to spend her time with someone like me.

When we arrived, a man showed us to a table by the window. It was decorated with flowers and candles. Looking incredibly romantic. A smile covering my face, and I felt that usual red colour creeping up on my cheeks. Alexia grabbed my hand while laughing slightly, kissing it in that same motion.

She had ordered us food; three different courses were served over the night. A different glass of alcohol served with every course.

Alexia had paid for our meal in advance, once again making me feel bad about how much she did for me, how much she did for us. "You should let me pay more Ale" I complained. "No way. I like treating you to things" she said while smiling.

The meal was delicious. We should have eaten here more than once, but that was too late to think about now. With ever passing course the colour from her face drained even more. Her usually rose cheeks were almost pale white.

Every once in a while, her voice broke. A sign that she was nervous, but about what? Could I ask her that? Would it be problematic if I did? If she wasn't nervous than it would be a bit awkward. I decided not to ask her. She would tell me if something worried her. Our relationship was that good. And I wasn't worried anymore. All my worries were gone, just because I knew her.

Wait, she looked a bit pale. Her hands were shaking. Had she eaten something bad? Gotten infected with something. "Are you okay, love? You look a bit pale" I asked her. "Should we go home?" I continued. I was worried about her, because if she was sick our trip back tomorrow would be hard. "I think it might be the heat" she answered, but for some reason I didn't believe her.

"Are you sure?" I asked again. "Yes, I am Isa" she responded, and got up. Our time here was done, two hours had passed since we first arrived. The sky was turning darker, but still, we made our way to the beach. Walking in the sand, big smiles covering our faces.

After a while Alexia stopped, saying something about needing to tie her shoes. I was not thinking, because that didn't surprise me. The strange thing now that I think back about it, was that she wasn't wearing any shoes.

"Elisa?" I heard her ask in a small voice. She wasn't her usual confident self tonight. It had started way back at the restaurant, but it was even more clear now. I turned around to look at her, and there she was, on one knee in the sand.

She was proposing. Tonight. She wanted to marry me.

I was in shock, barely understanding what was going on. But she was there, on one knee, holding a box with a ring in.

"Ana María Elisa García. These three years with you have been the best years of my life. I never thought I would find the person I wanted to spend my life with on the football pitch, but I did. The day you joined the team was a day that changed my life for the better. I really want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you marry me?" she asked. Her hands were shaking, but I barely say that. My eyes were clouded with tears. Happy tears.

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