3 | Car ride

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Chloé's pov


I was in my car driving to school. I can't stop thinking about Hugo and the kiss. He really has the softest lips ever, sadly I'm not the first one to taste them... but I hope I'll be the last one. The scene was going through my mind like a repeat that never stops.

I was lost in my mind until I saw Hugo standing outside at the bus stop. He was probably waiting for the school bus. I was thinking to give him a ride to school. So I decided to ask...

"you want a ride?" I said as I opened the window. 

Hugo looked up to me. He looked at the right side and smiled, then he looked back at me.

" sure flower " he said as he opened the door can jumped inside at the front seat. I could die for his smile. He's so cute and hot at the same time, not everyone can be this gorgeous. I started driving.

" you are really loving to give me new nicknames all the time " I was said to him.

" you don't like that? Flower?" He looked at me with a light smirk formed in his lips. I just wanted to kiss them again. Agh what is he doing to me?

" who says I don't like it?" I asked, still looking at the road.

He didn't answer, just smiled and looked out the window.


 I parked my car at the parking spot that is just 3 minutes away from the school. I was going to take my phone when I mistakenly took Hugo's hand instead. He looked at me with a confused look cause he was about to get out from the car. 

" sorry, I was gonna take my phone " I said as I took my hand away from his. What am I doing? He is really getting me driving crazy over him. 

" yeah, you for sure noticed that my hand is softer than your phone? " he said smirking lightly. That freaking smirk is driving me crazy. 

I didn't say anything just smiled. I honestly didn't know what to say.

" thanks for the ride flower, see you later " he said and walked away.

" flower... " I whispered to myself, a big smile formed on my face. That nicknames are just giving me butterflies in every part of my body, no one has ever made me happy like he did. With "no one" I meant like no boys in school, either Alex other bros.

I locked my car and started walking to school. As soon as I stepped in, I saw some looking at me. Then Thilde came running to me, just to hug. I thought that at least...

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