TVD - 05

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I latched my eyes, the probable of the conversations we might share in this car, leading us to Rajput Mahal.
When I sat down with my mother and my relatives existing across the door of the car, further down while the servants knelt to help me adjust my dress in the house.

I stilled when the other side door opened, I wasn't uneasy. Unsure of what tonics inside me post this marriage? It's a new wave, of unknown expectations.

A man I have discarded throughout the timeline of where I have reached with him today? I am feeling waves of emotions that he isn't responsible for being accountable for.

I drifted my eyes towards the man, now I have tied my fate of only returning as ashes from today to that end? He wasn't sparing a glance towards me.

“I will be coming in a different car?” his words of informing weren't directed to his wife, but to the driver sitting in front. Surely he must be misguided that he took the seven pheras with him, given the long veil I had bothered to hold off my head.

Twisting my gaze to settle on his ducked head, I lingered for him to elucidate his act. But he pushed himself back and shut the car door.

Unsure of the mastery he owns over my anger, he knows the right button to push the burning ache in my chest.
Under this stone of fault? I am the one, who threw herself from the cliff.

A suicidal can't blame someone for offering them death, because they have begged for the longest time. Surely, my act of convincing him was a sense of thrusting him ahead to conduct this behaviour.
I closed my eyes and rested myself back in the seat.

Shunned and quiet, kept around the corner in my life? I was once again, shoved in the vitality.


The door of the car when arrived in front of the Mahal was opened by Ekvarthya, he waited along the door, his hand lingering upon its strength, waiting for my departure, I had previously adjusted my veil, straight glancing at his eyes, and I withdrew my leg and standing on my full-length was about to take his hand.

Soon shoved away, and another stretched palm was surrendered honorable with its warmth taking my hand in a tight clasp. “Thank you!” he gritted to his brother, who just softly laughed and strode away.

Resting himself with Daharthya and the Queen. Who met my eyes, her closed-off aura was challenging but I was under no contest with anyone. Not a woman for sure.

“That's her demeanour! She doesn't imply harm, to your honour.” I was clarified by her brother-in-law, aka my husband.

“Surely, that is something only you signify,” I grumbled my words, his act of defiance was a collision with my honour during my see-off.

I walked with his hold respectfully towards his mansion, a multitude of people were waiting for my welcome. I clashed my head towards my husband before I glanced forward again.
“Samaira?” He asked me, peacefully striding towards the entrance on the white carpet, gushed with white rose petals.

“Yes?” I asked him, “Confession must I assume, the words you bestowed on me at our wedding stage? But the prior words? Confused me?”
The feelings were spoken? And the man ushered yet his doubts.

I turned my face to him, “Sentiments you heard in those words of admittance were for the man I saw in that party and the balcony. But last night, I convened a new man. Who found an avocation in calling me in his drunk state? And making a fool of me? In front of his friends.”
We both halted at the gate, since there was no elderly woman figure in this royal family, among the many further set relatives of royalty, the one closest was the Queen herself.

The Vicious Love Of Royals (Politically Royal Love Collection Novella BOOK) Where stories live. Discover now