TVR - Prologue

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Determination settled in my eyes, when I scrutinized the pack of farmers strolling towards us. My elder brother, King sitting on the chair, in the lawn shed.

“If they attack you? I would step back and watch them shred you piece by piece!” I spoke to my brother with hostility, but not meaning an ounce.

A vision of an unknown rests on my brother, my king. I would gladly tear the soul apart.
Violence is a humorous addiction. You scourge when another is performing it but you elucidate when you are doing it.   
It's jest when performed by me, but not exceptional when acted by another. I can abide one mind, but cannot tolerate another.

“That's what a king wants to hear from his chief-of-command? One who leads the men to fight!" He sarcastically retorted, the crew of farmers decreased on his feet, to greet, the elderly and joined hands with their heads bowed.

Daharthya rested a rough bow, “What is wrong mukhiya ji?” He asked the head among the farmers, one last assurance he asked from his farmer gang before reversing his presence and towards us.

“Maharaja ji, we went to the police but even they refused to accept our request.” He began helplessly, he was an old man, probably in his later seventies, though his body was rock hard and strong. One can fool him, without the wrinkles for a fifty-year-old.

He found my gaze, conveying a greeting. I didn't return.
My initial guess was, that they were here to complain about my recent visit to the village roads, alone.

The women in the central village are too young and naive, too backward-minded, and still stuck in there also eras. I recently culminated two girls, who misjudged on the narrow road of the maze-like village that I would rape them and escape shouting.

I am not hideous, I own a decent structured face, which can be perceived as ugly and monstrous. My eyes defame people without trying, the rough-skinned with multiple digs of pore  I own is delighted with my look.
Yet, to top it off? I added a thick kohl.

Which tends to scare naive women, in addition to my monstrous face with my huge body structure.
“If you are here to complain about the two girls, who recently were terrorized by my presence. I did nothing!” I said jokingly, my usual personality with midst aura of danger.

The mukhiya met my eyes, his face turning backwards to one further left, “They were your daughters?” I asked the man under scrutiny of Mukhiya.

“They were startled,” The man accepted and I just laughed. “And with news of your spread around, that the Rajput brother molests woman, we were forced to educate them for such reaction,” he admitted his fault.

Daharthya stood on his feet, his eyes evaluating the Mukhiya before returning towards me. A query before he lugged his action.

And footed towards the man, with his 6'4 height, just an inch taller than me. “You are indicting that a Rajput brother molests girls from your village? A Rajput. Ekvarthya Rajput? Who have only been found, saving girls and women from the years and years on end?” Daharthya took a perspective fight for me.  

And the man blinked, “The question is, how is he only...” The man started to tremble, “The one who finds such girls and women? Either he is the one doing it or an ally?” The man dared, and before Daharthya could lunge at him, I covered the distance.

A King shouldn't be causing the demise of a meaningless creature. I did the violence I preferred rather than conversation and clashed his face on the pillar of the shed, “Bastard. I am an ally of rapists and molesters! I assault if I find girls and women alone.” I admitted, “Go and sing my acceptance, in your village. Stop singing lullabies to your daughters, and educate them to run on the bolt speed when they witness a man like me. Watch if I allot you a fuck. I foray into the feminine species, do what you can to stop me!” I read it out loud in his ears before I left his neck.

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