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【Amy [☆]

Race: Human/Trace Frost Elves

Status: Normal mild malnutrition

Details: An immature Hunter of the North, her ancestors once had a Frost Elf, but her bloodline was diluted to negligible to this day. She has far more ice adaptability and bowery skills than anyone else, enough to make her a good hunter in the North, if she has the chance to grow up.

Note: The employee is not in your territory and you will not be able to operate it at this time. 】

[There are employees under your name who are not in the territory for the time being.] 】

You can send a messenger to communicate with your employees. 】

[Tips: Please pay attention to the local culture and customs when using the messenger to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and losses. 】


Grass, why does this tip look a little familiar?

She turned her head to look at her messenger, the Hidden Sky Raven, standing steadily on the bulletin board, grooming her bone wings with her beak. Susie was expressionless, and pressed this prompt indifferently: Don't be, what kind of messenger is this thing, it's obviously a dead bird.

But to be reasonable, why didn't it encounter problems when it delivered the express?

Forget it, you can't worry about these things with the dog system.

Susie glanced at the grayed out employee file again, lingered on the "status" column for a second, and then turned off the interface: Xing Horn, let's take it as a development game first.


The addition of new employees has brought the development of the tavern to a new level.

The farm was expanded again, and the variety of vegetables grown was much richer, and it was now managed by a few skeletons - skeletons that mechanically repeated the labor of sowing, watering, and harvesting.

There are more than a dozen horned sheep in the pasture, and next to it, a small flock of chickens is guarded by the Shadow Falcon, which covets them and occasionally fights over them.

The corrupt lords are sent out to explore, bringing back more "specialties" and resources.

Strange circumstances aside, it's a thriving scene.

There are also a number of new items on the acquisition order.

Bach's necromancy is indeed only half-baked, but his potions have received a B rating from the system. So the alchemy laboratory next to the workshop opened. With the right materials and points, Susie can directly create the potions unlocked on the list.

As for Frank, the little trader is as "wide-ranging" as the details suggest, and in addition to "business", he has a variety of abilities on his panels, including craftsman. Of course, the grade is only D, which means that the true success rate of this guy may be less than twenty percent.

But what does it matter, anyway, this workshop doesn't really need him to do it.

Schedules seem to be quickly filling up the day.

Susie:...... Wow, so why didn't I have time to play when I bought The Legend of Zelda?

Change is happening.

At first, Aldro could only lie half of his body in the light of the street lamp outside the tavern, and at some point onwards, only the last tip of his tail fell into the darkness.

✓ Operating log of the Tavern of the DeadWhere stories live. Discover now