Ch. 1 ✨What's Considered Normal✨

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*Y/N's POV*

An average morning in my so called average life.
I live in a little apartment that overlooks a gorgeous beach, and each morning I wake up, I do my usual routine before I go to work at the "Beach-side Café".

Its a small place, but it pays pretty well, and its quiet mostly.
Good atmosphere, what I need to feel at least a little sane.

After finishing my breakfast and putting my hair up in its usual ponytail, I grab my purse and keys, get in my car, and head for work.

Its not a city I live in, mostly a town, but its slowly starting to get there over the past few years.
I moved out here about three years ago, because it brought me closer to the beautiful ocean scenery I've loved and admired my whole life.

That and when I moved out...I finally had the excuse to stop seeing my therapist. I couldn't stand his judging eyes whenever I told him about my...dreams.

He always looked at me as if I was some wacko that's taking some drugs, but that's the furthest thing from the truth.
My parents would never let me stop seeing him either, no matter how many times I begged or lied.

They never listened to me...and continued forcing me to see him
But now, since I've moved out, I can finally feel like I can breathe and decide what's right for me.

I still take my prescriptions, but not...every night.
Some nights, when I've had a long day or bad mood, I'll take them.

Other nights, when I'm bored or feeling like I'm lacking social contact, I don't.

Weird huh? I consider it SOCIAL talking to some red and black haired man with deer horns and hair that resembles deer ears, who always wears the same damn red and black suit with a red staff that resembles a microphone, and that creepy ass smile always on his face.

But, hey, I mean its just a stupid dream. Its not like he can do anything to hurt me. He's only a figment of my imagination.

...I hope.


I pull up to cafe and get out of my car, running inside to see the register worker/my probably only HUMAN friend, standing there.

"Hey Clarisse," I wave.
She looks up at me. "Hey Y/N, how was your night?"

"Eh," I shrug, tying the apron around my waist, "what's considered normal?" I ask back.
A joke, of course. I've never ever told anyone about my dreams, because I don't want to be looked at like some freak.

Clarisse laughs, shaking her head softly before motioning me to the kitchen. "Dave's out sick today, you got cooking duty."

"Ooh," I crack my knuckles, smirk on my face. "Maybe today is the day."
"Never know," Clarisse smiles, winking at me. I've been working here for about two years, and during those two years, I've only been a waitress.

Even though I'm really good at baking and cooking, the owner has never assigned me for such a job.
Though I've PROVEN that I'm a good at it, she still won't.

But! Today could be the day after all!

I go into the kitchen and smirk.
"Alright orders," I look at the stack of them. "You're mine now..."
I chuckle, grabbing pots and pans and beginning my cooking.
Lucky for everyone, I'm fast, efficient, and never sour about my job.

Maybe I can land a cooking job for a fancier restaurant, maybe even become a head chef one day!
But...that's probably a long ways away.
For now though, I'm going to get through my day with a smile and keep it...



Closing hours are at 6:00 PM, and after a long, hot, day in the cafe behind the stove, I officially punch my time and bid Clarisse goodnight. (She has to stay to clean)

I get in my car and head for home. I don't think I need to make any extra stops, I think I got everything I need.

While I drive with my Spotify blasting on the radio, my good mood is cut off by the ringing of my phone.
Instinctively, I pick it up, only for my mood to sour even more when I see whose calling.

Jason, my ex boyfriend.
I press the Decline button and set it back down, sighing.
Well my mood is completely ruined now.

Jason was my first boyfriend in high school, and we were dating for a seriously long time, until about three months ago, when I discovered he was cheating on me with someone I used to know in school.

We fought about it for days, until I finally said that we were done.
Now, he's crawling on his knees back to me, begging for forgiveness, and telling me he still loves me.

Though I find it hard to believe.

But deep down...I can't help but still love him too. Even though he cheated on me, he was my first love, my first everything...
I really thought that he was The One. The One I'd marry, and spend the rest of my life with.

But that was a stupid thought.
Still though, it hurts that we're aren't together anymore, and the worst part about it is...

I'm actually CONSIDERING letting him back in my life.
I sigh, shaking my head. Don't be stupid Y/N.

When I pull up to my apartment and go to the third floor and go to room 102, I step inside and shut it behind me, exhaling a tired breath.

I'm not in the mood for dreams tonight.

I go to the TV, turn it on, and with some leftover pizza, I kick my shoes off and lay on my bed and chillax.
After about an hour of watching TV, I begin to feel sleepy, so when I reach over to grab my pills, horror floods my chest.

Its empty...

I sit up, looking at the time.
Maybe if its still early, I can run to the pharmacy real quick!

...its past seven.
They closed at 6:30.

I sigh, laying back down.
God damn it...

I throw my hands over my eyes, groaning.

"Guess I'll be seeing you tonight, Alastor." I whisper, shutting my eyes.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now