Ch. 22 ✨I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire✨

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*Two Weeks Later*
*Y/N's POV*

I was discharged from the hospital not to long ago. Luckily for me, there wasn't any serious damage, just some bruising and a black eye.

But I guess the serious damage happened to Jason.

Police have been interrogating me, but getting no where because I have no idea as to why everything happened. That and the fact that I was put in the hospital right after he ran away.

They're wasting there time anyway...they'll never find him.
I know who did it, even if he didn't tell me, I know it was him.


I sit with my knees tucked to my face, glancing around my dark home.
I used to feel a little safe here, but now, I don't...what a horrible feeling, not thinking you're safe in your own home.

I exhale a breath, trying to picture in my head Jason's final moments, how scared he was, no one there to help him.
I feel a little sting in my chest.
No, I shouldn't feel remorse over him, after what he did to me, after everything he said to me.

He threatened to kill me himself...and he would have done it too, if he ever found a reason for it.
But at the same time, he had a mom and dad, and a little brother who don't know that dark side about there son, who only see there son as the sweet little boy they raised.

And now there little boy is dead.
They'll never see him again.
Its more or less that I feel bad for his family...his parents are such good people with standards and respect towards other human beings.

Now, there minds will be clouded with the thoughts of there son being dead.

I glance at the time of night. Nearly 12, huh?
Instinct has me reaching for my prescription of pills before I stop halfway, hand slowly bringing itself back to my chest.

No...not tonight.
Tonight, I want to face him. I want to hear his explanation as to why he did what he did.

But mostly...even though I fight to deny it.
I want to see him. I want to make sure that he's okay, if he's sad or happy, if he's alone or not.

What a ridiculous thing to say...but no matter how hard I want to ignore it, I can't.
I fell in love with him. And I don't think that will ever change...

I exhale a breath, and shut my eyes.


I didn't arrive in the same forest, but instead, a different one. One that looks like a painting right out of New Orleans.
Crickets are going off, fireflies are buzzing around like golden twinkles in the sky.

Frogs are sitting on top of logs, croaking, while the swampy water- with bloomed water lilies on top- makes a slight swoosh sound from alligators.

There's moss under my feet, but its not slimy or wet, but soft, dry, and warm.

The night sky above me is covered in bright sparkling stars, dancing for a humans amusement.

But something is missing.
I don't see him.

I take a step forward. "Alastor?" I call, faintly, eyes scanning the swampy area before I hear something rustle behind me.
I turn, expecting to see a predator, but something close to it.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin