Ch. 9 ✨How Can I See You?!✨

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*Y/N's POV*

I exhale a nervous breath. Oh boy...tonight's the night. Its the weekend.
I stand in front of the mirror, going left and right, spinning, examining every inch of my outfit.

I don't want to appear to be trying to hard. I mean, this is just like a weekend hang out with friends. 
This isn't much, right?

(A/N, pick your outfit) should be good.
And just when I'm about to change my mind and go and change for a fourth time, I hear a horn honk.
Ooh that's him! Oh boy...should I put some mascara on?

No, Y/N, stop trying to look good for him!

I grab my purse and run for the door, before I stop suddenly, feeling a chill run down my spine.

Damn, for some reason tonight I feel like...something is watching me.

I slowly turn to look behind me, only to see nothing there. Just a normal apartment room.
Yeah, not scary at all...

I hear another honk, and I shake my head, running outside and down the stairs to greet Jason.


"You purposely chose this place for tonight, didn't you?" I smirk at him as he holds the door open. He laughs, winking at me. "I thought you might enjoy the familiarity of this place."

I chuckle under my breath and step inside, getting hit with that same familiar sense of nostalgia I would always get whenever I come here.
This was where we had our first date...and the place when he asked me to be his girlfriend.

This sly bastard.
I try to push aside the thoughts of the past, because I know that if I keep thinking about it, it will only make things worse.

Jason picks a table for two near the tinted window that overlooks the entire town and the ocean we call home.

I exhale a little breath, feeling kind of warm and giddy inside being here again. Its been a while since I've been here, because of all the bad memories.
But tonight...this is nice.

When I look at Jason, I see the man I fell in love with. Kind, charming, handsome...
but as I continue to stare within his eyes, memories of a bad past I want to forget come to me, making me break my gaze away.

Of course this will be awkward. It will most likely be awkward.
But I mean...if we want to be friends, then I have to push past that.

"Uh, so," Jason clears his throat, "how've you been?"

"I've been alright," I respond, tucking some hair behind my ear. "Just busy at the cafe still."

"You ever thinking about working at the high end restaurant down town?" He flashes a look down at the town beneath us. "I hear they're hiring."

That's Amore is hiring?!

Oh that would be a dream come true getting a job there! It is the fanciest restaurant in town!


I sigh, shaking my head and trying to crack a smile. "Ah, no, no I probably wouldn't make it. I'm not THAT good."

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now