✨(Bonus Chapter)✨

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*Alastor's POV*

It has been two weeks since I've last seen Y/N.
Two of the most longest, hurtful, saddened weeks of my entire existence in Hell...

I never wanted Y/N to find out that she is the reincarnated soul of my late love Elizabeth, but when she had told me about her dream...

I found myself overjoyed. Because my theory was correct!
But I was...too overjoyed. I had pushed her away...

I couldn't help myself. To think that my one true love, reborn into the form of Y/N, who then unlocked a piece of me I buried deep within myself after the death of Elizabeth...

The two combined...it was a gift better then all the power in Hell.
She has returned to me, after being wrongfully taken away from me...

But now, I've lost her again, and it is all my doing.
I sigh, letting my head fall on Husker's bar counter, groaning under my breath.

Husker stares at me, one brow raised.

"You look like shit," he remarks in his low gruff voice, "and I've never seen you drink this much. Wait..." he lifts me off the counter, "who the fuck are you and what have you done with Alastor?!"

"You imbecile!" I push him off of me, fixing my coat, "I am Alastor!" I exhale an annoyed breath, before turning to leave. "This is a waste of time," I walk out of the doors, faintly hearing a drunken Husker in the background, calling me a vulgar name.

I pay no attention, and only walk down the streets of Hell, all demons and sinners catching sight of me before running away.
All that I am...a fearful overlord of Hell.
I worked hard to get where I am...and yet...

I exhale a pained breath.
I would give it all away if only I could see your sweet smile again, my darling Y/N.

Turning left on the sidewalk, I stop, teleporting myself to my house because the walk is long and not needed.
When I open my eyes, I find myself standing on the balcony of my home.

Alone...as usual.

I lean against the railing, glancing down at my hands that dangle over the edge.

My final moments with Y/N fill my head...and I once again feel the sting in my chest that I've felt repeatedly for weeks.
Oh Y/N...how can you hurt me such? Nothing should ever hurt me.

And yet, you know exactly what to say to make my day, or make me cry.

The most painful moment, when you walked away, and I let you go...

I exhale a deep, long breath.
Why did I fall in love with you? Why did your smile take my breath away, why did your little face expressions that you make whenever your deep in thought, or angered, make me feel an overload of cuteness?

Why did this happen?

As awful as this may sound, I wish I had never known the bittersweet truth.
I wish I was ignorant to the facts of what brought me and Y/N together.

If only we had never known, where would we be now?
Would she be with me? Would we be dancing? Would I have kissed her hand, or possibly her lips?

Would I have told her how I've felt?

I pick a rose out of it's pot of dirt, dangling it over the edge, watching it blow with the wind's current.

...Or would you have floated away, to someone else in the mortal world?

I let the rose fall, and I watch it fall with the wind, down down down, until it's disappeared entirely.

Would I have remained silent about my feelings, knowing the facts about what separates us?
Would I have hidden in the shadows of her home, watching as some other man swept her off her feet, kissed her, told her that he loved her...

While I remained a shadow in the corner, unseen, forgotten.

I sigh softly, letting my head fall on the railing, tucked in my arms.
That should be the right thing to do, now that I think about it...

I should let her go...because how could I ever be there for her? Like she truly deserves?

And yet, I find myself refusing to.
The thought of another man coming and stealing the heart of my love, it angers me, making me want to snap my fingers and have them disappear entirely.

I don't want to lose her...not to anyone or anything.

I want her to be mine, not a possession, but someone to go home too, someone to love and be loved in return.

I straighten my posture, glancing up at the little dots in Hell's skies.
Y/N my darling...may our next encounter be very soon.

Because I'm going to show you what you truly mean to me.

I am going to show you, my sweet Y/N, that I love you for you.
For who you are...not for a past soul reborn.
Because this is not about hanging onto the past, but trying again anew, given a second chance...in a new time..

I smile softly.

I won't lose you. And I won't ever leave you again...

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now