Ch. 14 ✨Walk In The Park✨

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*One Week Later*
*Y/N's POV*

Alastor hasn't visited me much, minus once a few days back, but it was only for ten minutes because he needed to tell me that he's busy and won't be able to see me as much.

Now, a week later, I sit on my bed out of boredom, waiting to see if maybe he's not busy tonight.
It's weird, when I was younger, it used to be where I didn't have much of a choice, that I felt forced to always see him.

But now, I find myself always waiting for him when he's gone.

How'd I end up from 'forced to be here' to 'waiting and wanting to be here'?
Well, we have been getting closer, as friends anyways.

After all, it's been twenty years...we've started a little late at becoming friends, so I guess I'm making up for lost time.

I twiddle my thumbs around in boredom, before I hear the familiar swoosh of air and a static voice fill the silence.
"Were you waiting for me?" he asks, chuckling softly, "aww, have I become worthy of your affection?"

"Who says I was waiting?" I stand up quickly to turn and face him, but seeing his smirking face and raised brow only goes against my lie.
He sees the fluster in my cheeks, and chuckles at it gently.

"I am merely teasing, darling," he runs a finger under my chin, "I like to see you flustered."

"Shut it, weirdo," I push his hand away, rolling my eyes as he laughs.
I guess we're those type of best friends. The one who tease each other for fun.

What fun. Sarcasm, in case you don't know.

"Are you still busy?" I ask, and he responds with a shake of his head.

"Not tonight, but might I ask why?"

"Well," I begin to twist my hands nervously. This sounded way better in my head. I really hope he won't take this the wrong way.

"You wanna go out for a while?"
His eyes brighten, as he leans closer towards me. "Out as in, like a date?"

"What?! No!" I say, becoming all flustered and embarrassed again. "No! Not a date, just for a walk! God why are you being weird tonight?!"

"Forgive me, I seem to be spending to much time around a...certain individual in Hell," Alastor rolls his eyes with a look of disgust on his face, "I suppose he is rubbing off on me."

"Who are you talking about?" I ask, totally confused as to what the hell he means.
Alastor chuckles softly. "Just a demon I know, by force that is. Now enough of that, shall we go for our walk? Where did you want to go?"

"Oh," I clear my throat, opening my door and motioning him outside my room with me before I shut the door and lock it behind us.

"There's a park not to far from here, about five minutes away from here. I like to go there sometimes..."

"Do you go alone?" he asks as we begin our walk out of the apartment building and onto the sidewalk.
It isn't too crazy busy tonight, most likely because I thought it would be best to go for a walk at midnight.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now