Ch. 10 ✨A Pictureshow & Some Conversation✨

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*One Week Later*
*Y/N's POV*

Well, I'm quite bored tonight. I've been laying around restless on my bed for a few hours, listening to the rain pour outside.

Jason has been blowing my phone up lately, asking if we should try again at our "Friend Date", since the last one, I freaked out because ALASTOR was fricking there.

I agreed, because 1: I felt bad, and 2: why not? I'm pretty bored anyways.
We were supposed to go out tonight, but since it started down pouring, we took a rain check.

Ha! Rain check? Get it?!
...yeah, really lame joke. I know.

I sigh, rolling off the bed and onto the floor, before I hear the click of boots approach me, and I see a pair of black boots stand before me.

"Whatever are you doing on the floor?"
I look up and see Alastor's grinning face leaning over to look at me.
Yep. This guy has been showing up a lot lately. This is his fifth time coming unannounced to my house.

Its really starting to freak me out, because I have NO IDEA what his intentions are, OR what else he is capable of!

I sit up, stand up, and brush my clothes off.
"I should be asking you that question," I grumble, "are you going to keep doing this?"

"Doing what, my dear?"

"Coming to my house whenever you feel like it," I reply, rolling my eyes, "it's rude."

"Apologies, Y/N," he says, but he doesn't sound sorry. Instead, he sounds a little happy. Yuck.
I glance around the room awkwardly, one hand clutching my left arm.

No words are spoken between us, so I have no idea why the hell he came here, just to annoy me?
Suddenly, my eyes fall on the TV sitting in the corner.

Hmm...maybe I can turn that on for background noise? Or maybe he'd like to watch it?
Wait...does he even know what a TV is?

I look at him. "Wanna watch a movie with me?" I ask.
His brow furrows. "Movie?"

"Yeah, you know, TV," I point at the TV in the corner.

He smiles. "Ah! A picture-show," he says, ignoring the fact that my face just shaped into the expression of HUH?! when he said the word 'picture-show.'

"I've never understood them. But, if you want, you may watch it."
He sounds as if he's giving me permission to watch TV in my own house. How silly is that.

I chuckle, rolling my eyes as an idea pops in my head.
How about a horror movie? I wonder if he can handle it?

For fun, I turn on the new version of the Stephen King thriller IT. I've never watched it before, but I wonder how he'll react to it.

I look at him. "Sure you don't wanna join me?"
He shakes his head.
I smirk. "Okay," I sit down, "its probably too scary for you."

I hear a muffled sound come out of him, and a stunned look on his face.
I can't help but giggle inside.

Suddenly, I feel the couch shift as he sits next to me on the other end of the couch.
"My dear, I am scared of nothing," he responds, before his eyes lock on the TV with such focus I'm literally blushing and giggling from how cute it is.

Wait...cute?! Did I just say cute?!
Ugh I'm a moron.
I shake my head, and the movie begins. Nothing about this or HIM is cute, okay?


✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum