Ch. 7 ✨No Harm Shall Fall Upon You✨

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*One Week Later*
*Y/N's POV*

I...I can't take anymore.
I'm getting bad side effects from taking them everyday. My anxiety is through the roof, I have a case of the shakes, and I'm always looking over my shoulder that- that ALASTOR is always watching me!

I sit on my bed, clutching my legs that are tucked to my chest, chin on my knees, as I stare at the ticking clock, each second, getting me closer to practically 1:00 in the morning.

I'm so frightened.

I don't know what else to do. I'm scared that if I fall asleep, I'll see him. I'm scared that if I take anymore pills, I'll get severely hurt, sick or worse...die.

I shudder a little, squeezing myself tighter.

I feel like my life is like that horror movie "A Nightmare On Elm Street."
Fall asleep, and Freddy Krueger will come and get me...

At some point, I sigh loudly, collapsing myself onto the bed, staring up at the plain white ceiling.
I can't stay up forever...

I need to face him.


The next thing I know, I open my eyes, and here I stand, once again.
But this time, Alastor--aka RADIO DEMON--is not ahead of me.

But instead...

"I was wondering when you would show."

I jump/yelp, flipping around to see him standing behind me.
No scary smile on his face. I mean, he IS smiling, but his teeth aren't showing.

Instead, it's a little, soft grin.
Which frightens me even more.

"P-please," I begin to stutter, feeling my hands shaky and my heart beating out of my chest at a rapid rate. "Don't hurt me. I-I'll do anything you want, just please...don't hurt me."

I expect him to do otherwise, so I shut my eyes out of fear, holding my breath as I recite a silent death will in my head.
But no impact happens.

Instead, he merely chuckles, under his breath.

I open my eyes.

"I have told you once, and I shall tell you again. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have already done so, and not have wasted twenty years. So you need not worry, no harm will fall upon you."

"B-b-but why?" I stutter, "why do you keep coming back?"
At that, he opens his mouth, but no words are spoken.

He's silenced. Speechless.
Until he clears his throat and puts his hands behind his back.

"It is not only the matter of ME coming back, you do the same in return. Why? That is a question you need to answer yourself, for I know nothing about what's connecting us..."
He trails off, eyes glancing down at the distance between us, before they raise to meet my gaze once again.

"Does it...bother you? That this keeps happening?" I ask, waving my hand around our familiar surroundings.
Surely, he must have some places to be, some things to do. Some...Hellish things, I don't know what to call it.

He purses his lips. "It...used to," he shrugs, "but not as much now."
"Why?" I ask, before he suddenly disappears before me.

I gasp, running to where he was standing, until I hear a sudden, static voice speak near my left ear.

"Because I consider you a friend."

I jump back again, seeing him standing behind me. AGAIN.
How is he able to do that?!
I stare at him, jaw dropped slightly, eyes widened in fear. Which he sees, and slightly enjoys.

"F-friend?" I stutter.

"Why yes!" he smiles widely, throwing his arms out before sighing a breath of satisfaction. "You should be thankful too. I don't consider many...MORTALS as friends. But you," he leans in, looking down at me as I feel myself shriveling up again.

"You are quite different, unlike any mortal I've seen," he whispers, "you are pure...innocent...," he extends a gloved hand, one finger delicately running down my cheek. "Untouched by the world and it's monsters. I quite like it. I admire it, honestly."

He pulls away, smile on his face as he does one clap of his hands.
Shit he leaves me breathless, in a bad way...

"Now then! Since you know what I am, and what all of this is, shall we come to terms of being...friends?" he extends his hand, as if to shake mine.

But I do not. I don't dare.
"How can I even trust you?" I point out, "you're a demon. An evil thing! No one in with a right frame of mind would EVER trust a demon!"

He chuckles. "You are right, I will admit. But you seem to be forgetting the key fact to all this. That I, Alastor, have been visiting you ever since you were just a little girl, no intention of ever harming you, but merely, the intention of being fascinated by you and your ability to see me. Just because I am a demon, does not mean that I am always...bad."

He flicks a look down at his hand that's still outstretched, waiting to shake mine which I hold tightly behind my back, before his eyes meet mine.

"So, Y/N? Do we have a deal?"

The way he says the word...DEAL, makes my insides twist.
But...what else can I do? Until I figure out how to...CONTROL my so-called 'Powers', I'm stuck having to see him all the time.

And the fact that he's been visiting me twenty years and have never hurt me, but instead, actually treated me like a friend, makes me slowly extend my hand and shake his.

His hand is cold, but gentle, against mine, and I shudder a little when I touch him.
Twenty years, and I've never touched him. This right my very first time.

And its unsettling.

When our hands clasp and shake, they surprisingly glowed green.
Just as I'm about to ask what that was about, he pulls away, smile on his face as he turns.

"Now I do believe it is way past your wakeup, so I must insist," he turns, raises two fingers, and snaps.

"Wake up."


I gasp, sitting up in a rush to see that its morning, and my alarm clock is going off.
I lean over and shut it off, before my mind replays all that's happened.

Oh god I hope I didn't make a terrible mistake...

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now