chapter 4

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Monday, 03 November

I am honestly not even traumatised about what happened yesterday, just angry because who does he think he is? I refuse to be disrespected by a criminal.

Anyway, I told Nikki about everything so today, we are going out. I still don't know what we're going to do but I guess I'll see as we go.


We are at this really cute restaurant for an early dinner. And obviously, I'm taking photos.

Nikki: we need to do something about this relationship situation of yours.
Me: what's wrong with me being single?
Nikki: maybe the fact that you've never even had a boyfriend! you fought trough high school and don't have an ex!
Me: I was busy.
Nikki: you can never be too busy to have a boyfriend.
Me: boys are dumb anyway.
Nikki: and that's why you need a man!
Me: I don't need anything.
Nikki: but a life.
Me: Nikki.
Nikki: live a little, man.

I roll my eyes and turn to look at the entrance when he walks in. It's him! That criminal!

Me: you! why are you here? are you stalking me?
Him: stalk you? please, I own this place.
Me: fine then, we'll leave.
Nikki: no, I'm hungry.

He chuckles and looks at me.

Me: fine, I'll leave.
Him: don't let the door hit you on your way out.

I walk out feeling totally enraged and eventually, Nikki follows me.

Nikki: who was that? he reeks of money!
Me: he's the boss of the kidnappers.
Nikki: what?!

Nikki turns around and rolls up her sleeves but I quickly stop her.

Me: he's not worth it.

Is this girl crazy? Going to fight a criminal?

Yes, he saved me from his monster employess but that does not make him a good guy. He is just like them. He sent them to that guy and I am handing the pictures in to the police, they can't get away with this.


Nikki and I settled for some Pizza and movies because there was no way we were going back there to face a criminal that is also a stalker.

Nikki: but how? how did you resist temptation in high school? the jocks at my school were sexy so I can only imagine what they're like in South Africa.
Me: I just wasn't interested, I guess but I had a crush on this one rugby guy. he was so hot but he was a player and I was scared of getting my heart broken.
Nikki: so you decided to live your life in fear?
Me: not in fear, I just chose to avoid heartbreak and pain.
Nikki: okay, I get you. so does your brother have an ex? asking for a friend.
Me: you don't have friends, Nikki. my brother is not for you.
Nikki: and how do you know that?
Me: you just had to ruin the moment. I am leaving you here, good night.
Nikki: but the movie?
Me: hai, shut up.

I get up and go to bed. As I'm about to go to sleep, I receive an email. The summary of it is..

"I heard you're in Russia now, I'd love to work with you for a photoshoot with my 3 year old. I'll pay you 5k."

-Mr. Stefan Petrov

I accept the gig because this much money, in this economy? Of course! I'm not even working so it's a true blessing. I then get a reply from the email account and the summary of it is...

"Tomorrow at 14:00."

Oh no, I have lectures tomorrow! I can't do this. I need the money! What am I going to do now, I'm doomed.

Tuesday, 04 November

I am taking the offer! I don't know how I can escape my lectures early but I'll just have to find a way. I can't lose this gig.

I wake up, take a shower and pack my bag for the day. I then get dressed. I'm wearing a black cami dress and a black cardigan, with black and white dunks.

As for my hair? Being here has forced me to learn how to do my own hair so I have cornrows underneath my 36 inch kinky straight lace frontal wig.


I am now half way trough my last lecture for the day but I decide to act sick so that I can get to my shoot in time. I raise my hand and...

Me: Mr. Miladinovic, I am not feeling well at all, may I please be excused?

He nods and I run out of there. I then take a taxi to the address I have been given and I get there in no time. This house is humongously huge! The security here is also tight.

I announce my arrival on the intercom and the security guards show me the way to the living room where I wait for my clients. I hear someone come down with a very chatty baby so I look up the stairs.

Me: NO!

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