chapter 7

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It is the next day and I got a call from Stefan last night telling me that I should return today and babysit Ivy again. I am quite excited about going to that house but I am only excited for Ivy, I promise you.

I can't stop thinking of the moment I shared with Stefan though. I know it might sound crazy but I think I'm beginning to like him. He is weird and uptight and mean but he is sexy, I won't lie.

I get to his house and fix myself up before entering. The guards walk me from the gate to the house.

Me: you know, it's really not that deep. I could have just walked to the door on my own.

The ignore me and continue following me.

Me: okay, I guess following me is cool too.

I get to the door and I'm welcomed by the helper, Roselia. She is Italian and she is absolutely beautiful as old as she is.

Me: aunty Roselia.
Rosa: hey, Angel. Stefan is upstairs and I have already bathed and dressed Ivy for you, she is upstairs taking her morning nap.
Me: thank you.

I walk up to Stefan's room where I find three guys standing guard. I try to walk in but one of the guards stands in my way. Stefan yells that they should let me in from inside his bedroom.

The guard moves to the side and I am allowed in. I get in and find Stefan putting on his shirt, facing the other way. His back looks amazing!

However, something about his energy is off today. He is being cold.

Me: hey.

I say with a wide and beautiful smile on my face with a whole lot of excitement.

Fan: your job in this house is to watch Ivy, not pester me.
Me: what?
Fan: hanging around me is not in your job description, why are in my bedroom?
Me: Fan, I thought we had a moment.
Fan: it was a moment, let's move on. get over it.
Me: Stefan?

He buttons up the last button of his shirt and walks out of his bedroom, closing the door.

Before I know it, tears are coming out of my eyes uncontrollably. What is wrong with this guy?

I pull out my phone and call Nikki.

Nikki: babe? what's wrong? why are you crying?

I tell her everything and she consoles me about the whole situation.

Nikki: he doesn't even deserve you, he is not even that hot. I am coming there.

She hangs up before I can even say anything. I can't believe Stefan but if this is what he wants then silent treatment and the professional relationship is what he shall receive. I should have just continued minding my own business, dating or falling for men is not for me.

After a few minutes, Nikki arrives and she keeps Ivy entertained while I make Ivy some breakfast.

Nikki: so what did he say?
Me: that I should do what I am here for and leave him alone.
Nikki: no way! this man doesn't respect you!
Me: I don't even want to talk about it anymore. Ivy, is the breakfast nice?
Ivy: yes!

She is so happy and it's just eggs and pancakes.

Me: you're welcome, baby.
Nikki: how old is she?
Me: 3 years old.
Nikki: and she wears Gucci and Louis V and Christain Dior and-
Me: I think we get your point, Nikki.
Nikki: no, I am just saying that she is one wealthy baby. what's your name, darling?
Ivy: Ivy.
Nikki: your father should change your name, that name belongs to crystals and all.
Me: it's not her official name, he just calls her that. you are talking a bit much.
Nikki: you allowed me to come here.
Me: I did not, ma'am.
Ivy: Ivy want ice cream.
Me: can Ivy say the magic words?
Ivy: Ivy want ice cream.

Nikki erupts into laughter.

Nikki: that baby doesn't know what the magic words are.
Me: I will teach her.
Nikki: you are still going to babysit and be around Stefan?
Me: he is barely ever around anyway so I will do my job and leave.
Nikki: Angel?
Me: Nikki?
Nikki: whatever, can you please tell your brother to call me?
Me: for what, Nikki? FOR WHAT?
Nikki: what's wrong with you.
Me: leave my brother alone! he has no business calling you and you have no business talking to him.
Nikki: okay! Ivy, let's go and watch cartoons.

Ivy follows behind her and they go to the cinema where they watch some animated movies. I join them after cleaning up the kitchen. I pour her some juice in her sippy cup and I make her a small snack. I also get Nikki a bag of snacks.

I then join them and we watch the movie together. After the movie, we play outside for a while.


I bathe Ivy and she falls asleep so I just let her sleep.

I get my things and Nikki and I walk towards the door. As we open the door, Stefan walks in and I don't even look at him but I just walk past.

Stefan: can't I take you home?
Me: no, I'm good. I don't need to overstep, I need to stay within my job description and you are not in it.
Stefan: Angel.
Me: let's go, Nikki.

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