chapter 5

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It's the criminal. If not him then when?! This guy has main character syndrome, he really needs to get a life. I can't believe that I have now seen his face for three days straight! Three days?!

Him: why are you here?
Me: you called me here.
Him: you're the photographer?
Me: dweebs. I thought you'd never figure it out, dear Sherlock. I am leaving.
Him: please don't. please do it for my daughter.
Me: I don't even know her.

I walk out and he follows me. He then stands in front of me, blocking my way and he holds my hands.

Him: come on, please.

I look back at the most adorable baby I've ever seen and she melts my heart. I yank my hands out of his and rolls my eyes. I can't believe that I am about to do this but, he needs this photoshoot and I need the cash.

Me: fine.

He leads me to their garden where we're taking the photos. I set my equipment and we start shooting. I can't help but notice the beautiful smile that his daughter has. It melts my heart each time she smiles.

I finish up with the photoshoot and he puts his beautiful daughter to sleep. This baby is gorgeous.

Me: I didn't think you have a child, Stefan.
Fan: why?
Me: you're an evil criminal.
Fan: and you're crazy but no one is judging you.
Me: whatever.

He takes out his phone and after a while, I get a bank notification.

Me: 6k?
Fan: what? is it too little?
Me: it's too much.
Fan: take the rest of it as a tip.
Me: okay. thank you.
Fan: I'll ask one of my boys to escort you home.
Me: then I get kidnapped again? no thanks. I know my way back home.
Fan: okay, I'll escort you then.

We then walk to his big garage.

Fan: pick a car, any car.
Me: one of the black SUVs will do.
Fan: alright.

We get in the car and he drives me home.

Fan: so how do know my name?
Me: your email.
Fan: oh. we're here.

He says as he pulls over at my place.

Me: thank you, bye.

I get out of the car and head straight to my place without even looking back. When I walk in, I find Nikki waiting for me...

Nikki: you ditched your classes?!

Oh, here we go.

Nikki: do you ever just think of the consequences of your actions?
Me: no.
Nikki: I've been worried sick about you.
Me: Nikki, I just went out to make money. it's really not that deep.

I hear a knock at the door and rush to get it.

Me: Stefan?
Fan: you left your camera in the car. I don't know how you were going to get your pictures.
Me: wow, thank you.
Fan: okay.

He turns around and leaves.

I closer the door and something tells me to check my camera footage. I do just that and I see that the photos from the day when I got kidnapped are gone so there's no evidence against those goons.

Stefan did this. He deleted them. I place my things on the couch and run downstairs. I run to the parking lot and find that he is already gone.

Me: he is so smart. I hate him.
Nikki: who do you hate?
Me: ugh.

I roll my eyes and get back upstairs. Nikki is absolutely obsessed with him, she probably doesn't even have a reason for following me.

Stefan's day will come though, I will catch him red handed and get the evidence that will prove his criminal ways.

I take a shower, change into something comfortable and I begin editing the photos of Stefan and his daughter.

I can't help but blush with each photo that I edit. Stefan's daughter is absolutely adorable and she is the sweetest thing ever. The only thing about her that throws me off is how she looks just like her dad.

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