chapter 6

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Wednesday, 06 November

I think it's about time i also start living soft. Since the beginning of school break, all I can think about is getting a job. I want to make money so here i am, on my way to this cute Café around the corner to hand in my cv.

I get there and ask for the manager. The manager takes the cv and promises me that they'll go trough it.

On my way out, I bump into Stefan and his body guards, AGAIN!

Me: stop stalking me, Stefan.

I then walk away but he follows me.

Stefan: I'm not stalking you, I promise.
Me: oh and you happen to always coincidentally be wherever I am?
Stefan: yes! what were you doing here anyway?

I stop walking and look back at him.

Me: I'm trying to get a job, not that it's any of your business.

I whisper the last part.

Stefan: sorry?
Me: nothing!

I start walking again and he follows me, AGAIN! Why can't he just leave me alone?

Stefan: I might have a job for you!

I stop and bump into him because he was still walking.

Me: really?
Stefan: you can babysit my daughter while I work.
Me: how do you know I won't pinch her just because she's yours?
Stefan: because I'll kill you and eat your remains if you do.
Me: eeewww, you sicko! I will take the job.

I walk away and he doesn't follow me this time. Later on, I get an email from him...

"You start tomorrow at 8."

Ugh, he's probably going to thoroughly enjoy having control over me.

Friday, 07 November

I wake up at 6 and get ready. I'm wearing black dad pants and a white bodysuit. I'm also wearing white airforces. I pack a tote bag for the day, with all necessities. Of course, I have my camera.

I get to his house and I'm led to his room by one of the helpers. Why in his room, you may ask? I have no idea. I find him failing to tie his tie but he fails and I can't help but laugh at him.

Me: as old as you are, stef-fun.

I say mocking the pronunciation of his name.

Stefan: haha, you're real funny.
Me: I knew it! Nikki always says I'm not funny but...

He interrupts me before i even get anywhere.

Stefan: will you shut up and tie this?
Me: I will, if you ask nicely.
Stefan: I don't say please.
Me: then I won't tie it.
Stefan: I'll kill you.
Me: fine!

I tie his tie and he thanks me with a smirk.

Me: you're weird.
Stefan: yeah, whatever. that file on my bed gives you clear instructions.

I open the first page.

Me: your daughter is allergic to banana?
Stefan: and oats. her name is Ivy.
Me: Ivy, that's a nice name.
Stefan: thank you.
Me: shut up.
Stefan: why are you so rude? is this how you were raised?
Me: no.
Stefan: she's in her room. bathe her, dress her and feed her. no matter what you do, don't leave these premises.
Me: okay. noted, boss.

He chuckles and walks out and I follow behind him. We go to her room and he picks her up and looks at her so affectionately so I take a photo.

Stefan: no.
Me: sorry.
Ivy: hey.

She says while blushing.

Stefan: she likes you. anyway, I have to work so here you go.

He hands her to me and I take her.

Ivy: daddy going to work?
Stefan: yes, baby.

He gives her a peck on her cheek and he walks out.

Me: I guess it's just you and me, Ivy.

I bathe her and dress her in a Louis dress and cute matching sandals. I style her hair in a high sleek bun.

Ivy: Ivy so pweedy.
Me: thank you.

She gives me a very warm hug.

Me: do you want to take photos?

She nods with a huge smile. I take out my camera and take multiple shots of Ivy.

Me: are you hungry?
Ivy: yes.
Me: let's go make breakfast.

We go down to the kitchen where I make us some cereal. We have some good conversations and I earn a few laughs and smiles here and there. I think I'm doing a great job.

We then spend the rest of our day playing games and watching Disney movies.


I put her to sleep and clean up in the kitchen. I then sit and wait for Stefan to return and he does after 50 minutes.

Fan: where is she?
Me: in her room.
Fan: sleeping?
Me: yes.
Fan: there is no way.

He runs upstairs and returns after a few minutes.

Fan: wow, I have to go hours and hours trying to put her to sleep and you got her to sleep so early.
Me: I am good with the babies.

I rub my hands together with pride and a large smirk on my face.

Fan: you're getting too cocky, let me take you home.

We get in the car he was using and exit his premises.

Me: can I please listen to some music?
Fan: sure.

I connect my phone to his car and play my favourite playlist which consists of Frank Ocean, Mereba, Lauryn Hill, Noname etc.

We then have some light conversations while listening to the music. He is driving slowly and the windows are open and the amazing breeze comes in. I won't even lie, he looks so serious and absolutely sexy.

Fan: so, you're South African?
Me: yes, I am South African.
Fan: your full names are?
Me: Angel Atlehang Kgomo.
Fana: wow, that will be difficult to pronounce. it should be changed.
Me: by who? by you?
Fana: maybe.

He smiles and looks out of the window. I need you to understand that he is turning the steering wheel with one hand and the other one is fighting the urge to hold my hand or am I delusional?

Fan: so, you're-

I interrupt him because I really just need this moment to be a beautiful memory, with no chatting in the background.

Me: let's just have this moment.

"Sandstorm" by Mereba, JID plays and we just listen to the music in pure silence. I wish this moment could last forever, I wish it could go on forever.

He finally just reaches for my hand and he holds it. My cheeks turn bright red from blushing.

Fan: we're here.

He says as he parks outside of my apartment complex.

Me: thank you.

He lets go of my hand and I get out of the car.

Me: good night.

He just nods and he waits outside until I get into my apartment. I get up to my apartment, get in, lock the door and run to my room where I lock myself in and blush all night long.

the trip to russiaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora