Finding fault

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"I did what!!!!" Tae screeched at his best friend and soulmate.
Jimin chewed on the sandwich he was eating at his home.
"You kindly told them that I said they were pretentious pricks and you were going home because of that......"
"Oh fuck my life....succulent Suga spoke to me and I turned him down...I must have been really drunk why did you tell me those things!!!"
"Yer why?" Jimin muttered to himself.
He felt both elated and deflated at the same time,elated because he'd got into the troupe and deflated because the main drive behind his dancing was so one day he could say 'I told you so' to the egotistic Jungkook,but now.....however much it had hurt before...., it had actually done him good. He'd grown in that short time, he didn't have the fuzzy make believe attitude as before plus by doing his military stint he could focus full time on a career in dance, the other way around his career would have been disrupted and probably harder to pick up again.
"Oh well,I s'pose at least one of us will be meeting famous people.."Tae murmured finishing his sandwich and gulping down banana milk courtesy of Jimin.
"You know you should get a cooker of some sort I can't live off sandwiches..."
"Here's a novel idea...why don't you eat in your own place.....?"
"Hush up how can you talk to your bestie like that....?"
"You're the one complaining!"
"Because you don't eat properly you snack!"
"Whatever....what should I wear to a barbecue?my shorts and white tee shirt or jeans and white t shirt ?"
"Wow choices,choices.....why don't you buy more clothes?"
"Because I'm in dancewear usually,I don't go out much and can usually bum around in sweatpants.So?"
Tae tutted," whose barbecue is it?"
"Jeon Jungkooks..."
"Oh and Suga told me to bring you too,we will get picked up so don't have to fork out for a taxi...."
"Park Jimin you tell me just now?!?!when is it?"
"Day after tomorrow..."
"Right grab your jacket and wallet we are going shopping!"
"What for......?"
"Clothes,you are not wearing any of your tramp stuff have you no shame?"
"Who's going to look at me?"
"Everyone if you bothered taking care of yourself!you don't have any decent clothes in your closet ,they are so washed out with age I'm surprised the seams haven't frayed....!"
"Well some have and I fix them,they are old reliable wear!"
"Old wear them but they hang off you so you've obviously lost weight and your letting yourself down by not presenting the best version of yourself will you feel on tour when the rest of the crew are fashionably dressed and your like a homeless guy?"
Jimin stood up opening his sparse closet and looking inside,really looking at his clothes and seeing what Tae saw.
"It just seems a stupid expense......"
"Ok then,why do you not think twice about the amount you pay for your dancewear?"
"Because it's used a lot,I like to feel comfy and.....well I just do......"
"So apply that theory to day wear,come on Jimin's not like your poor!"
It was true,Jimin had an inheritance from his grandfather but hadn't really dipped into it,he wasn't a big spender more of a selective buyer.
Seeing Tae's hopeful face he gave in.
"Ok,let's do it,but I'm wearing what I have on!" He said looking down at the sweatshirt and sweatpants.
"Fine but just so you don't falter....these((grabbing the rest of Jimin's outdated faded clothes) are going to a clothes recycling bin!"
Jimin made to grab them but Tae in a mission didn't let him.
"Fine,but I hate you!"
"No you don't we are soulmates so let's shop ,"
Two hours later and Jimin struggled with bags of clothes,Tae sauntered along with a few bags himself .
"So underwear,four T shirts,three jeans,three shirts those two jumpers a jacket and shoes and trainers,hmm that should be ok for now..."
"For now?that's more clothes than I've had in years!my feet are killing me,I need a coffee and to sit down!"
"I know just the place,follow me...."
Ten minutes later,
"A hair salon ? What are we doing here?"
"They make the best coffee and we could both do with a tidy up."
Jimin didn't have the energy to argue and followed his friend in,an hour later he had drunk a coffee eaten a cake and was now waiting for the lowlights to be rinsed from his hair.
Tae was done having had a shampoo and cut.
"Jimin what about this style you would look great!"
Jimin looked liking the longer on top shorter underneath,he had a habit of sweeping back his hair and this style would allow it.
"Sure why not ," he said showing the stylist.
Not long after his elegant face stared back at him his hair adorned with chestnut lowlights, the style making him look....amazing.
"Wow Jimin...look at you,total fuckboy!"
"Er if that's a compliment ....then thanks,it does kinda make me look slimmer....."
"You are slim I keep telling you!"
"Yer,yer...can we go home now? I'm shattered."
"Ok...,I know let's go to mine,,sleepover...,I'll cook.... "
"No buts come on...."
The next day Jimin got a text message to say he and Tae needed to be at a local venue the next day by one thirty where along with others they would be picked up.
After informing Tae Jimin made his way home ,he'd had a nice night watching films and eating delicious food but he felt restless like he needed to do something.
On arrival at his home he scrubbed down his flat, then hung up the new clothes which filled his closet,he was glad that Tae had given him the push to do it,because much as he hated to admit it his new look gave him confidence,he wouldn't feel so left out in a group.
After over cleaning his apartment he went to a local shop and bought some ramen packets some fruit and milk,that will do he thought not a fan of preparing food.
He left to go to the practice room spending two hours there before making his way back.
His phone buzzed and looking at the caller he sighed but answered,
"Jimin....why haven't you been here?"
"You know I have to work right?"
" should come see us.....we have new neighbours,they have such a pretty daughter you know.....why not come tomorrow ,you can meet the girl and who knows what could happen?"
Jimin felt frustrated at his parents continually ignoring his sexual orientation.he'd come out to them before the military,when his parents found pictures of Jungkook in his bedroom,he'd eagerly said" he's my kind of man" and they had thought he was joking,until he assured them he wasn't.
Things had changed between them and although Jimin kept in touch they were always trying to get him to meet up with a new girl or he'd say he was visiting and some unknown woman would be sitting there having tea.
When he'd told his family he was joining the military his parents words were," it will make a man of you"
Unfortunately for them, Jimin hadn't changed,he no longer crushed on his idol and had a couple of flings now and then but he was damned if he was going to marry a girl just to please his parents.
"I can't come,I'm going to a barbecue...."
"Really,who with,is she pretty,where is it?"
"It's for my new job,I'm in the dance troupe for Jeon Jungkook..."
"Isn't he the one you had pictures of? Your not still crushing on him are you goodness when will you grow up!!!Just come home and settle down!"
"You know just once I wish you and dad could say,'well done Jimin, you must have put in a lot of effort to get the job out of all the people who auditioned,but no you find fault in what I want to do,you treat me like an unruly kid!.....I'm gay mum,I'll always be gay so I won't be meeting any more women you want me to settle down with....I've got to go....!"
Jimn threw his phone down feeling his stomach churning,damn it why did he let it get to him.
Taking a shower he pulled on some pjs and climbed into bed,wouldn't hurt to have an early night.
Jungkook sat in his studio that he had in his house.
He was playing around adding vocals to an old song that he'd suddenly found himself singing.
It was a love song the ballad suited his voice even though he was more well known for his sexy vocals and dance routines.
His voice stopped as an image of Jimin came into his head.
All through the trials Jimin had displayed an elegance unique to him.
Jungkook smiled to himself as he remembered Jimin watching others dance,the way he furrowed his brows and slightly pouted with those full lips of his,concentrating on the others performances....was he really that unsure that he would make it?
His face when he'd been picked beamed making others look....he was certainly like an undiscovered jem one that Jungkook couldn't wait to see sparkle under the limelight.
He wondered what it would be like to kiss those plump lips and hear the other moan for him.......
"Aaah Jungkook behave yourself!"
Standing up and adjusting his suddenly tight pants he left his studio to take a long cold shower before he went to bed.

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