Ignore the obvious

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Jimin was sweating as the dance finished. He bent over catching his breath then stood up his gaze catching Jungkooks in the mirrored wall.
He quickly looked away,he'd been studiously ignoring the other due to embaressment from the day before,if Hobi hadn't of knocked.......
His thoughts took on a pathway of bodies grinding together,hungry moans....
"Huh,oh sorry Hobi did you say something?"
"Where's your head at?I said you were a bit out on the last move it goes like this..."
Hobi demonstrated and Jimin hurriedly copied annoyed at himself for daydreaming,
"Sorry Hobi it won't happen again...."
Hobi glanced at the other nodding,
"It's fine now go drink some water....."
Jungkook and the others had wandered to the room next door which had a fridge with cold drinks.
Jimin stood in front of the mirrored wall humming the music he'd just danced too,he performed the dance move over and over not realising he was actually singing the words until he suddenly heard clapping and realised everyone was behind him listening and watching.
"Way to go Jimin,great voice," a dancer said.
Jimin blushed then saw Jungkooks slightly frowning face.
"Sorry I didn't mean to ruin your song I thought I was on my own...."
Jimin hurried into the next room to get water hearing comments,
"Is he for real?"
"I thought he was a quiet one'
"Maybe he has a hidden agenda,maybe he wants to be an idol and sang deliberately ...."
Jimin bit his lip,he thought these people liked him were they annoyed with him,was it going to make things awkward around them? It was a nervous habit of his humming and singing when he was learning to dance it kept the rythm in his head.
"Jimin come here," Jungkooks authorative voice said calling him back.
Jimin walked back in his eyes downcast.
"Now you three say that again don't speak behind peoples backs!"
The three dancers looked at each other.
"Ok then let me help you...is he for real?"
"I only meant he's got a good damn voice?"
"Ok...you...the quiet one?"
"Jimin is quiet,we wish he would hang out a bit more with us and damn it Jimin your voice is fine!"
Jimin blushed and smiled at the words.
"And your point what hidden agenda?"
"Well....its just....why would you hide a voice like that and only sing now, unless you wanted to be noticed by a person or company?"
"So you're saying Jimin has intentions of getting noticed....Jimin?"
"Oh no,no....its kind of you all to say I can sing but we know it's not true I mean it's high and squeaky and well.......not great,I just want to dance...."
"And there you have it.....Jimin is not about self.....he doesn't even think he sounds good,I don't know what he hears but it's not what we hear.......but I will tell you all this....I've given Jimin a solo spot on the tour,he didn't ask and even suggested one of you but as it's my tour it's my decision,so please don't berate him and let's not have any negativity towards others eh?"
Jimin felt like a deer in the headlights,everyone was turned to him and he felt a need to apologise until...
"Hey man,I'm sorry for the innuendoes but you are good honestly..."
Jimin heaved a sigh of relief,
"Thank you,but honestly I know I sound like a squeaky toy....lets get on shall we?"
Hobi relayed a few changes to Jimin that they had made in the next dance then they all went through the routine.
Jimin concentrated hard but his gaze often went to Jungkook who was doing the routine with them,the man never missed a beat.
It was tiring and they called a halt for lunch,Jimin slumped to the floor as the others wandered off.
Soft lips on his had his closed eyes opening quickly and he found Jungkook squatted in front of him,he looked around nervously.
"They're gone,come on you look exhausted" he stood up pulling Jimin up with him.
"I'm fine I can do it..."
"I know you can but learn to give in as well when needed."
"I might go wash up first I feel sticky,"
"Ok but make sure to come eat...."
Jimin hurried to his room,a quick shower later and he redressed in same bottoms but a different top before making his way downstairs.
"Here Jimin I've put some food ready for you..." one of the girls said.
Thanking her Jimin ate sparingly and drank water. Everyone else was chatting Jimin listened but didn't join in.
"So Jimin eat up then Hobi will go through some ideas with you in the side room while the rest of us practice the second routine."
"Oh...I'm done sorry for holding you all up...."
"Right everybody....one thing I want to make clear......this tour will take a lot out of you so you all need to keep healthy....eat properly and regularly ...you use a lot of energy with all the routines so if you don't maintain a healthy body it diminishes your stamina and you can't perform....so help maintain your bodies do I make myself clear?"
Everyone nodded or answered,Jimin reluctantly finished his food while everyone carried on talking.
Once Jungkook saw he'd eaten he told everyone to meet in the barn in ten minutes.
People wandered off,Jimin sighed feeling full,he got up to put his plate on the trolley.
He jumped,why did this man always startle him!
"Maybe I should burp you...like a baby...."
Jungkook rubbed Jimin's back and a little belch sounded.
"There you go, much better."
"I think we shouldn't be so close......"
"Well erm,yesterday was...well ......I'm better thanks for taking care of me but I'm just a normal employee...."
Jungkook stared down at the smaller male who was obviously fighting with conflicting emotions,he tipped Jimins chin up,
"You're not 'just' an employee.......i quite like you and we both know if Hobi hadn't arrived you would have been a hot writhing mess underneath me....."
Instead of denying it Jimin retorted,
"Why presume I'm a bottom!" Then slapped his hand across his mouth mortified.
Jungkook chuckled and bent so their gazes were level ,
"That guilty action there tells me you're a bottom....and I can't wait to find out!"
Standing up and whistling Jungkook sauntered off.
"Damn it Jimin your a grown up at least act it!" Jimin berated himself pouting not realising the pout gave him a boyish charm.
He rushed out going to find Hobi in the side room while the others went in the main room.
He and Hobi listened to the tune and spoke out about ideas,luckily both seemed to have great input.
"You know what you're talking about you have good empathy towards dance.....do you have special ways of dealing with a song before you perform?"
"Er well....as you all heard earlier if I'm alone I hum or sing when I practice,but only if I'm alone....or think I am.....with modern dance the music can be quite defining....you know like....well this piece it starts lightly but builds in strength....i would probably keep in mind a personal situation I may have had to go through but where I have come out stronger....that feeling would sit in my head letting me perform the emotions I felt at that time......"
"That's a good perspective .....I hope whatever it was has passed...."
Jimin hesitated then said...." It was when I told my parents I was gay......the pent up nervousness wondering what to say and the relief of letting it out..."
"Well thank you for sharing.....I'm glad your parents accepted your life choice "
"Actually they never have.....they see me as a confused individual going through a phase...they try to set me up on dates....they pretend I'm not gay however many times I say it.....we have sort of drifted apart,they aren't comfortable around me and me.....I don't want to conform to a person I'm not......"
"Oh I'm sorry Jimin......"
"It's ok,it helped me grow up and become self sufficient....which is why I felt a bit suffocated at all the attention given to me by you all..."
"Aish! Jimin you have no idea how guilty I felt I needed to make amends!"
"But you were well within your rights to admonish me!"
"No.....I should have let you have a chance to explain.."
"Let's agree to disagree on that shall we?"
Both laughed then proceeded to discuss the dance each getting up and dancing a certain way then nodding  finally stopping to join the others.

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