Why me?

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The next day the two woke up cuddled together.
"Mmmm,I could get used to this," murmured Jungkook his hand stroking Jimin's back.
Jimin for a moment lost himself in that fantasy but then pulled himself together,ignoring the comment.
"I should wash and dress,I'm sure you have things to do before your interview."
He stepped away from the bed the other watching as he walked away.
"Jimin?is everything ok?"
Jimin bit his lip then turned with a fake smile.
"Of course why wouldn't it be?"
He disappeared into the bathroom.
Jungkook half sat up in the bed frowning,registering the change in Jimin,what was wrong?
Normally he would let people have their space but he needed to know what was up.
Throwing back the covers he strode to the bathroom to find Jimin holding onto the sink staring in the mirror with a sad face.
Back hugging him he put his chin on the others shoulder staring at them both.
"Ok out with it.....what's wrong?"
Jimin looked down
"Nothing.....nothings wrong,"
"Look at me and tell me that to my face,"
Jungkook swung Jimin around tipping his chin up.
Jimin sighed then," I don't understand.....why me? I'm nothing just a dancer who's gay,whose parents won't accept that,they just tell me to settle down do something with my life.......they couldn't even say well done when I got this job.....that's how worthless I am,so what is this we are doing,are you going to drop me for a better model ?"
Jungkook stepped back,
"Is that what you think of me?that I just use people? I thought we had a connection going on between us,a mutual liking?"
"I do,I do like you.....I just.....maybe.....it's because I've felt so worthless for a longtime it's hard to believe someone like you who could have anyone.....would turn to me....."
Jungkook looked down angrily trying to keep his temper,
"yer maybe your right,your obviously not ready for any relationship .....if you don't like yourself how can you like anyone else.......just hurry up and dress....and go you don't need to do the interview.....let yourself out,I'm going to the gym."
Jungkook stalked out grabbing some gym clothes and dressing,tying his hair in a bun before glancing at the closed bathroom door and leaving.
Jimin felt stunned but couldn't blame the other.....he'd been nice to him all along and in return he'd accused him of just using him.
He dressed and quickly sped down the corridor to his room letting himself in before crumbling to the floor.
"See that's why others don't connect with you, you can't read a situation....your as useless as your parents say."
He hung a do not disturb sign on his door then curled up on the bed saying a mantra over and over in his head.
"Useless,ugly,you make me sick," all the words his parents had drummed into him when he was younger,he'd tried to get their appreciation by putting more and more money in their bank but it was never good enough was it,he was never good enough.
He spiralled down into that dark place where he sometimes wondered what's the point
Throughout the day he heard sounds of others chatting in the hallway.Tae's voice could be heard after he softly knocked but Jimin ignored everything.
Jungkook had worked furiously in the gym but the look n his face deterred others from speaking to him,not that it stopped Tae.
"Does Jimin know what time to be ready?"
"Ready for what?"
"The interview everyone heard you last night say he was going."
"I changed my mind"
"O......Kay ,has something happened?"
"I just thought your friend was an adult not a little kid,"
"Jimin?with his parents he grew up fast!"
"Oh what sob story has he told you?"
"Jeon Jungkook I don't know why your being an arse but Jimin is the kindest soul going,despite his parents constantly putting him down...they even told me not to get too close in case I caught his 'gayness',I never told Jimin he would have been mortified and probably would have stayed away from me,however illogical it seems he's been brainwashed to feel useless and unwanted,he's just a Cassie to them,I was hoping this trip would show him how good he is and for him to mix more,so don't run my friend down you know nothing about him.!"
"Ah shit!!I was a bit harsh earlier to him in the bathroom...."
"The bathroom?have you two been.....?"
At Jungkooks raised eyebrow Tae for once was quiet, then
"So you fell out this morning and he didn't answer my knock.....that's not a good sign"
"Maybe he went out?"
"With a do not disturb sign on his door?just what did you say to him?"
Jungkook sulked,why was Tae blaming him?
"He asked if I was using him and would drop him,I got annoyed that he thought like that and said he obviously wasn't grown up enough to be in a relationship and to go....."
"That's all of it?"
"Of course,except he asked why him,why had I chosen him..."
"Oh fuck....the time he came back from that first audition is when he told his parents he was gay and that he'd gone to try and work with his crush but he'd been rejected,you'd laughed at him,
"His mother instead of comforting him asked why a famous person would take any notice of an ugly useless person like him when they could have anyone they wanted.
Jimin joined up for the military rather than pursue his dream to prove he wasn't useless.
He had many dark days where it was almost like he wished he wouldn't survive.
And when he comes out he has to work harder in the industry to prove himself and despite their negativity Jimin put money in their bank so they could live more comfortably than him.Damn it I had to force him to buy new clothes once you accepted him!"
Jungkook felt uncomfortable ,he'd walked out on Jimin two hours ago.
Grabbing his stuff he muttered,
"Come on I have some apologising to do."
When he and Tae got to their corridor they walked up to Jimins room but the door was open wide and a maid was cleaning it.
"Er excuse me my friend did he just leave?"
"Yes,I asked if he was ok he looked ill but he just left,look he even left his phone here...."
"Shit! Er sorry thank you,"
They walked to Jungkooks room and Jungkook turned to him.
"Do you think he's with the others?"
"Well no they were going sightseeing for a couple of hours they didn't invite Jimin as you said he was going to an interview..."
"Shit the interview!"
"See if you can find where he went.....although he knows what time we are leaving tonight from here."
"Yer your right he wouldn't do anything stupid,he's probably gone to clear his head."
Both looked worriedly at each other as if neither believed their own words.
Jungkook changed and went off with Suga and Hobi to the interview.he didn't feel like his normal relaxed self when he answered their questions and his friends could tell he was on edge.
"So Jungkook,new songs ,new dancers in fact this clip shows one of your dancers doing a solo,quite spectacular who is he?"
"That's Jimin,I did think of bringing him here today but he's a little shy...."
"Well from the crowds reaction he will go far...and so good looking too!"
Jungkook smiled but inside was thinking,stop looking at him like you could devour him lady!
Unbeknownst to him Jimin was sitting in a small bar drinking a beer watching the interview on a tv there.
"Hey honey,that dancer looks like you," the lady bartender said.
"Yep it is that's my one talent."
"Well it's a god given talent honey,what you doing hanging out in a place like this haven't you got to work today?"
"I just started walking and got lost I will go back soon,"
"What hotel you at?"
When Jimin told her she whistled,
"Too high class for me."
Neither noticed two men listening in and when Jimin got his wallet out to pay for his one beer they nudged each other.
One stood up and left then the other walked out after Jimin left.
"Hey man can you help me?I can hear a cat stuck here?"
Jimin didn't understand all their words but got the jist,he followed the man listening for a cat but couldn't hear it.
"Cat gone?" He said in broken English
"Hand over your wallet,"
Jimin was suddenly aware he was alone behind the bar with a thief,he turned to run but another man blocked his way.
He wasn't handing it over without a fight and drop kicked one of them before something hit him in his ribs sending him sprawling to the ground banging his head at the side and passing out as the men rifled in his pockets to get his wallet.
"Twenty dollars is that all,come on let's go."
Jimin lay on the ground as the day dropped into early evening.
"Im on a break give me ten minutes!" The women's voice from the bar yelled and she opened the back door to smoke," oh my goodness!"
She recognised the small figure and ran over yelling for help.

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