Protect you

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"Has anyone seen him?"
"No he's not returned to his room...!"
"But we are leaving soon...."
"I'm sure he won't let you down," Tae murmured
Everyone was now congregated downstairs about to get in the mini vans.
Tae's phone rang,
"Hello....what er yer," he laughed" right now?ok no I'll come,sure no bother."
Tae cleared the worried look from his face.
"Er I'm taking a taxi to er Jimin.....he er can't made himself understood,yer um we will meet you at the concert."
Suga knew his boyfriend was holding something back.
"Where is he,you want me to come too?"
"Er absolutely not,erm Jimin feels er embaressed that he let time get away from him,Don't worry we will get there."
He dashed to a taxi before anyone could stop him.
"Where to man?"
"The hospital and hurry,"
"Well I never thought Jimin would like this," Hobi muttered.
"No it's not like him....." Jungkook was pleased he knew where Jimin was but something seemed off.
Tae raced into the A&E.
"My friend Park Jimin?"
He was shown to a cubicle where a doctor was attending Jimin.
"You were lucky young man,the bump under your hair hasn't bled and the bruise on your side will be painful for a couple of days,just take these painkillers now and two more in four hours."
"Jimin what happened!"
"My friend Tae," Jimin gestured to the doctor
"Hello,your friend was robbed and hit with something he's going to be bruised but ok otherwise just rest up ok?"
Jimin nodded and Tae took his phone out,
"I'll call Jungkook tell him you can't perform."
"I said no Tae,call him and I'll never forgive you,just help me clean any dirt of my face and hands by the time we get there everyone will be changed just help me change and keep Jungkook away from me..."
"But the bruising?"
"Is nothing I can't handle ,now help me.."
Tae cleaned his friend up,collected his prescription and paid for his care.
"I need to get a new wallet..." Jimin muttered as they sped along.
"How much did you lose?"
"Twenty dollars you know me I kept the rest with my passport in the room vault."
The taxi screeched to a halt at the side entrance and they could hear the band warming up.
They got through then Tae was like a one man security guard,
"Sorry Hobi he needs to change,oh was that Jungkook calling you?"
"No guys give him some space or he'll never get ready..."
People shuffled out and Tae helped him change grimacing at the large bruise on his side.
They heard the fans roar as Jungkook took to the stage and started talking.
"Time to go," Jimin hissed as he stood up making his way to the stage.
The music started and the dancers took to the stage,Tae saw Jungkook glance at Jimin then carry on singing.
"Jimin seems a little stiff?" Hobi murmured staring out onto the stage.
"Really I can't see it?" Tae said innocently before pointing to two people walking up.
"Namjoon,Jin I thought you were coming on the next leg of the journey?"
"Change of plans,this one says I work too hard and should take a break,I hear the first concert was a success?"
"Certainly was,tomorrows a free day then we move onto Las Vegas for two concerts"
The first song ended and the dancers came off,Jungkook tried to catch Jimin only to be stopped by Namjoon.
"It's going well kook..."
"Hmmm oh yer,er I gotta change my top in here"
He indicated a tented room set aside for him changing quickly,noticing Jimin's outfit there for his quick change before his solo.
"Where's Tae..."
"Oh he was here a minute ago watching the performance......" Jin murmured looking around
Tae was in fact giving his friend water seeing him wincing he kept the others away by gabbling on about how good they looked,it gave Jimin time to change his top.
He dabbed a damp tissue on his head feeling a little muzzy.
Time was called and they went out someone jostling against Jimin and he hissed in pain before getting in position.
Time wore on but Hobi now seemed to be watching Jimin like a hawk.
Tae helped Jimin change for his solo in the front tent and Hobi came before he got on stage.
"Jimin your a bit stiff looking today maybe you need to practise a bit more,hurry up now let's have a good performance."
Jimin nodded to be honest he was scared of passing out from pain and hunger he realised he hadn't eaten since last night.
Jungkook introduced him and his music started.
Jungkook came into his tent to change Tae was avidly watching the screen his breath harsh when Jimin had to do a twirling leap.
"You got some dancer there....oh has he hurt himself," Jin asked.
"What?" Jungkook was changed and standing by Jin at the screen
"Oh I just thought I saw a bruise when his shirt rose up,must be the lighting."
Jungkook stared and he could tell Jimin was in pain.
"Tae?" He said grimly
"Look I wanted to tell you but he begged me..."
"He was robbed got hit on the side and his head,"
"Why the hell is he performing?"
Time was called for Jungkook to go to the other side of the stage.
"Tell Hobi and don't let him dance anymore"
He was walking away and he heard gasps as Jimin should have ended the dance standing up but fell in an elegant heap as though it was part of the dance.
"Get the spotlight off him "Namjoon ordered ,quickly getting to the small male and carrying him to a truckle bed in Jungkooks tent.
Jimin was pale and sweating holding his side.
"Jimin I'm here the games up,"
An insight medic was called who repeated what the hospital doctor had said.
"I'll get you back to the hotel..." Tae murmured
"I'm just hungry that's all,can I have some milk?"
"Jimin you mean you haven't eaten all day either?"
"Well I was going to but they robbed me and I got taken to hospital and then it got late and...."
"You silly boy,you always make me seem like the baddie telling you off yet you were hurt!" Hobi muttered
"I didn't want to let you all down...."
"Tae I've arranged a car take Jimin back get him food and make sure he rests,"
Tae put his arm gently around his small friend.
"Let's get back Tae before Jungkook I'm sure he'll be pissed at me for spoiling the concert,"
"He's more likely to kill me for letting you go on stage,"
Both arrived back at the hotel .
"We can get room service,"
"No I'll eat in the restaurant."
Jimin ate a small meal ,Tae drowned his sorrows dreading a face to face with his boss.
They eventually got to Jimin's room and he sat on the bed.
"I need a bath soak out the pain"
"I'll wait in the bedroom in case you need me,let me run the bath for you."
Ten minutes later and the bath was filled with bubbles.
Jimin went in and closed the door slowly undressing.
He got in the bath and lay back sighing.
He didn't hear the light knock on the door.
Tae opened it gulping as he saw Jungkook there.
"Where is he?"
Tae nodded to the bathroom.
"Here go and pick me up spare clothes.
Tae took the key running to the others room quickly coming back with another outfit.
"We will talk tomorrow ,go now"
"His meds he needs to take them,"
He walked out hanging a do not disturb sign on the door handle  and going to his and Suga's room.
Jungkook opened the bathroom door
"Tae sorry was I falling asleep?"
Jimins tired eyes opened to see Jungkook stripping off. They stared at each other until jungkook said "move forward"
Jimin did so breathing sharply at the movement
Jungkook climbed in behind him Jimin's body inbetween his legs.
"Lay back on me,where do you hurt ?"
"Just my head and side"
Jungkook ran gentle fingers over Jimin's scalp,
"Damn Jimin that's some bump, let me see your side,"
Jimin mumbled something but turned obediently.
"How the hell did you perform?"
"Well you know what they say the show must go on,"
"Not when you're not ok!let me wash your hair,"
Using the spray he was extremely gentle on Jimins scalp washing and rinsing it.
"You've soaked long enough let me get out and help you too the shower,"
Jimin felt a little embaressed then brushed it off. Jungkook stood in the shower with him lathering up and washing Jimin then himself. Although he was being touched intimately it wasn't done for arousal.
Jungkook climbed out drying himself off then quickly getting Jimin out drying him gently and putting a baggy t shirt on .
He blow dried Jimin's hair then pulled the covers back
"Oh your medicine"he fetched it and some bottled water from the fridge.
Jimin swallowed it down conscious of the others naked form by him.
"Which side you want?"
"Huh? Erm..."
"You go there you can lay on me then and not hurt yourself."
They both got in Jimin slowly leaning on the other.
Jungkook turned the lights out.
Ten minutes later Jimin whispered,
"Kookie are you still mad at me?im sorry for doubting you..."
"No baby I'm mad at myself that I wasn't there to protect you like I want to,"
"Don't tell Tae off I threatened him"
Jungkook sighed," still baby you made him do something he didn't want were seriously injured please don't ever let us worry like that again about you..."
"I'm sorry"
"Me too"
"Lovers " Jungkook said dominately  hearing Jimin's small sigh. Minutes later he heard Jimin's short puffy breaths of sleep before his eyes closed too his arms embracing the other.

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