The only one

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He was engulfed in a hug from his soulmate but over Tae's shoulder he could see Jungkook frowning while staring at him.
"Where have you been and not calling us? Didn't you care we would be worried?" His friend ranted
Jungkook suddenly turned and left the room making Jimins heart ache.
"Babe leave him, let the two of them talk," Suga said nodding kindly at Jimin.
"But I...." Tae started but was pulled away by his boyfriend and ushered out.
Jimin bit his lip....time to face the music.
He slowly walked to the study Jungkook had gone into.
"Um...can we talk?"
Jungkook poked his tongue in his cheek glanced up then looked down again at whatever was on his laptop.
Jungkook slammed the lid down and stood up,
" you want to talk?"
"I guess you're angry......"
"Angry ? My boyfriend goes missing and everyone is looking for him and then just turns up and wonders if I'm ANGRY!!!!"
Jungkook slammed his hand on the desk.
"Damn it Jimin some stupid little bitch says something to you in a lift and you run off..., what did she call you a thief again? "
"It wasn't that it......."
"Oh please......Kai said she was being bitchy to you and said some mean things........some rubbish about she will be my girlfriend ? That made you run off?You live with me for gods sake, she was just spouting nonsense."
"Well I know that but......."
"You ran off in America and now here....are you a kid?are you even ready for a relationship.....?"
Jimin heard the words as if they were coming down a long tunnel,he looked at Jungkook his face not showing the turmoil going through him.
"Have you finished?are you willing to listen?"
"Jimin....I was in such a good mood when I got up but now......"
"Now you're only going by partly heard conversations and you've made your mind up?"
"What could possibly account for your actions?"
Jimin stared at his lovers face....ex lover he thought to himself  biting his lip and then with no emotion in his voice he spoke,
"Have you ever felt unloved Jungkook? You've told me what a great childhood you had,how great your parents are,how you've had a great group of friends for years......cherish it......not everyone gets that,I'm not wanting the pity factor but you've seen my parents and how far they will go to change the son they have never been pleased with,Tae is the only person who sees me as I am and accepted me.
So forgive me if I chose to worry about her words,how I'm not good enough for you,how you and her will be perfect together,that I don't belong because even my parents don't want hit a nerve ok,couple that with not sleeping well without you and you get the mess that is me......I left early to come home but just felt overwhelmed after you rang and said I'd argued with her,you sounded mad at me.
I stayed at a hotel half an hour away and just fell into a deep sleep my phone wasn't charged so I couldn't call. I thought you wouldn't be worried as you thought I'd be back today anyway.
After sleeping I realised I was being silly letting her get to me you've proven plenty that you care for me,then I heard the song on the news and I couldn't believe it.....I  got a taxi straight over I was going to tell you how much I love you....and have done for a while....but it doesn't matter now does it.....I see you just see the whiny boy,n-not the one who's tried to shake off his demons........"
Jimin turned and left closing the door leaving Jungkook staring at it.
Jimin went to go upstairs to pack. He opened his case tidying it before emptying the closets doing it mechanically his mind locked onto the fact he'd lost his boyfriend.
Jungkooks mind was in a whirl, hearing what Jimin had to say he understood the small males mindset,
"That evil little bitch how did she know about his parents.......shit! He was going to tell me he loved me! Slamming the door open he rushed out taking the stairs two at a time,he walked into the bedroom to find Jimin robotically putting clothes into a case,no way in hell would that ever shut.
He went over picking te case up and throwing it on the floor.
"Running away again" but this time he said it quietly.
Jimin blushed but moved to pick the case up but being stopped when he was back hugged and pulled back against a muscled body.
"I'm sorry baby,I know it sounds like empty words but I really am really worried me and just breezed in......I should have listened sorry I made you feel like this."
Jimin felt tears in his eyes but he tried to speak normally.
"I-it's ok, maybe we were just not meant to be,I realise I did wrong b-but I never meant to worry you a-and I understand it made you mad s-so this shows maybe she was right I'm not good enough b-but I will cherish the time w-we had and  let you get back to n-normal "
He went to step away as he felt the tears run but he was spun around.
Jungkook wiped away the tears,the soft gesture suddenly opening the gates for Jimin to sob uncontrollably.
He bent his head covering his  face but Jungkook pulled his hands away and claimed his moth in a soul searing kiss.
Jimin suddenly started flailing his arms hitting Jungkook
"Don't ,don't make this so hard, at least allow me a little dignity."
Jungkook captured his hands and suddenly picked him up throwing him on the bed and trapping him with his body.
"Park Jimin, if you think I'm going to let the love of my life just up and leave your mistaken! Every night I tell you I love you and I've been planning to tell you but I let things get in the way ....."
"Y-you love me?"
"More than I love banana milk,so that shows how deep it is!"
Jimin hit his side
"You were being romantic then that....?!?"
"Romantic.....oh right wait!"
Jungkook leaned over to a drawer his side of the bed.
He stood up dragging Jimin with him.
"Park Jimin,my love ......I was going to do this all special, nice for se.....,anyway ... I love you Jimin, I can't express how much you mean to me, I'm sorry I have anger issues I'll work on that, but will you park Jimin be my partner in life,my one and only....forever..."
Jungkook opened the box in his hand pulling out a platinum ring with diamonds and waiting for Jimin to answer.
Jimin stared was this really happening? Was his Kookie who minutes earlier had been so mad was now staring at him showing all his love in his eyes...
"Weird" Jimin mumbled to himself
" well that wasn't the response I'd hoped..."
"What!no Kookie,I mean yes Kookie, I didn't realise I said that out loud but yes,I will be yours...!"
They kissed passionately after Jungkook slipped the ring on eventually stepping back for air.
"Weird?" Jungkook asked
Jimin giggled" yes weird and wonderful!"
"Hmmm are you being naughty Jimin?"
"Maybe....does that mean I get....punished?"
Jimin smirked watching the reactions. Flit across Jungkooks face as he remembered the last time he'd teased and punished Jimin. Lust filled his eyes and he grinned.
"Oh baby prepare to be well and truly punished!!"

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