Time to fly

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It had been a hard six weeks,learning the routines,being fitted for outfits and today they flew as a group to America.
Jimin clung onto his newly acquired passport as he waited in line to go through to the airport lounge.
Jungkook and Hobi and Suga along with a pleased Tae had gone via vip so were probably already relaxing in a posh lounge.getting ready for first class
The dance troupe had been given first class economy seats on the commercial airplane.
Everyone else was babbling away in excitement,Jimin just felt nervous.
His mind went back over the past few weeks. A tension of sorts seemed to be in the air whenever he was around Jungkook. He'd find the other staring at him if he looked up.
The other seemed to inadvertently brush against him sending little sparks through Jimin's body.
Once when Jimin was limbering up and was bent over he was sure he'd heard the other groan behind him but when he stood up and turned Jungkook was faced the other way talking to someone.
Jimin's parents had called two days previously to his flight asking why he hadn't come around and berated him saying he wasn't a filial son.
Jimin had told them he'd been training to go on tour and all they had said was when would he get a better job so he could provide for his family.
This frustrated Jimin as he put money regularly into his parents account,before this job he'd even gone hungry just to pay some money in and it wasn't like his parents were elderly.....just reluctant to keep a job.
So he'd told them if they were that disenchanted of him he would no longer bother them,as he'd known they were quick to backtrack and tell him to keep in touch and let them know when he would visit.
It had unsettled Jimin.....he didn't know why his parents couldn't be like Tae's ,they laughed and joked with him, accepted his sexual preferences and never belittled him.
"Jimin come on...."
He looked up to see that he was next in line for passport check so he hurried forward.
Following the others through to the airport lounge he took a vacant seat,he was nervous at the thought of flying....i mean how could something that large and heavy stay in the air?
"Jimin we are going to find a cafe to eat coming?"
"No thank you my stomach is doing somersaults at the thought of flying,you all go ahead,I'll stay here."
The others nodded and wandered off,Jimins phone rang,
"Jimin!!!! Isn't this exciting,look at this place....i wish you were in here..."
"Hey Tae........you sound excited"
"I am I mean first class treatment all the way.....say high to Suga and the rest!"
Tae panned his phone around so Jimin could see Suga leaning back in a comfy chair,then Hobi and Jungkook who looked up as Tae called them. Jimin nodded quickly and looked down.
"Jimin you ok? You look ....stressed?"
"N.....no,just a bit nervous "
"Of flying?"
"It will be fine.........why are you on your own?"
"Oh the others went to get food..."
"Why didn't you go with them?"
"Because I feel like I'll throw up,you know I'm not a great traveller......,I get carsick,"
"A planes different from a car,it's a long journey so try and sleep...."
"Ok......enjoy your flight I don't suppose I'll see you til we get off?"
"It's a plane Jimin I'm sure I can wander down to see you...."
"It's ok honestly Tae,I have to get used to it...."
"Ok Jimin but text me if any problems....."
"It's fine....I'll be fine now go enjoy your vip treatment,"
Jimin hung up and looked around dashing to the toilet and relieving himself of his breakfast.
"Is Jimin ok?"Suga asked
"Hmmm? I hope so, He overthinks things and gets worried,he's never flown."
"Tae,has he got travel sickness tablets?sorry I couldn't help overhearing..." Hobi said
"I don't know,I told him to sleep as it's a long journey,plus his parents have stressed him out recently so I expect his nerves are shot a little.."
"Oh his parents...." Hobi nodded understanding sharing a knowing look with Tae.
Jungkook listened but was confused,what did Hobi know about Jimin's parents and why was the smaller male stressing about a simple flight?"
"You two do know he's a grown man don't you?"
Tae and Hobi frowned looking at Jungkook and simply saying,
"Yes but it's Jimin...." As if that answered everything.
Tae and Hobi started chatting together leaving Suga and Jungkook to talk.
"Why the frown Kook,worried about Jimin too?"
"Me....pffft...! He's an employee...."
"One that you can't seem to take your eyes off...."
Jungkook stared at his friend then sighed,
"Am I that obvious,"
"To me yer....you look at him like he's some delicious desert you want to try...."
"God dammit but I do,there's something about him that makes me want to make him mine......"
Suga chuckled," I'm surprised you've held off this long"
"Honestly...me too, but I don't want to ruin anything either....,he's like a drug I crave but what if I give in to temptation and I expect more than I get?"
"He's different than your usual type,but different is good too," looking at Tae," it has you looking forward to what may come....."
Tae suddenly turned from talking to Hobi and flopped onto his lovers lap,
"So we gonna try the mile high club babe?"
Suga nearly spat out the whiskey he was sipping while Jungkook and Hobi burst out laughing.
"Tae baby do you always speak before you think?"
"Oh don't be a stuffed shirt,I mean come on it's not like you haven't thought of it,all those hours on a plane!"
Suga shut his liver up by simply claiming his lips and standing up determinedly dragging him to the nearby toilets.
"So different,Tae and Jimin yet they are really good friends..." Hobi sighed
Jungkook nodded thinking of the other,would he be ok?why hadn't he paid for vip for the dance troupe at least he could have kept an eye on him.
Twenty minutes later and Suga and Tae returned,Tae with a noticeable hickey and Suga looking smug making it obvious what they had been up to.
Jungkook felt a little jealous at how easily their relationship had progressed.
"Anyone else want a drink?" Suga said waving a waiter over and ordering for him and Tae.
"Coke..," Hobi smiled
"Double brandy," Jungkook said,at least it would help him sleep on the plane.
Soon they were boarding,Jungkook glanced back through a chunk in the curtain to see if he could see Jimin but the small male wasn't visible.
Tae's phone pinged and looking at it he jumped up.
"Fuck! I need to get off a minute!"
"What but everyone is boarding?" Jungkook said
"Not Jimin......he's by the gate but frozen he wants me to get him!"
Jungkook stood up," I'll go,"
Not waiting he left his luxurious seat and informed the hostess he needed to help a member of staff aboard who was scared of flying.
Nodding as they had been informed by gate staff of the problem jungkook pulled his cap down and adjusted his face mask,he didn't need anyone recognising him.
Passing through the oncoming people he got to the entrance seeing a pale small figure bent over. Going out he went straight up to him.
"I...I can't ...I can't seem to get on....."
"Hey it's ok,first flight eh? U was like that too,now it's like taking a bus,but you won't know til you try right so come with me..."
He held his hand out to Jimin who took it in his small sweaty one.
"That's it ,you know flying is like being in a big house,you have comfy seats a tv , a bathroom and get fed food..."
All the time he was talking he guided Jimin along the walkway.
"You know your friend Tae asked Suga to join the mile high club!"
"Tae....hes so naughty..." Jimin gave a strained laugh
"Yer I mean , it's like the smallest place to get jiggy with it you know?"
"Tae likes to be...adventurous...,I wish I was more like him,"
"Well if you really wanted I s'pose we could try it,but it's not gonna be that memorable!"
Jimin by now felt a bit more at ease as they neared the airplane door.
"Who said you'd be memorable anyway?" He chirped back laughing.
"Ouch! That hurt!"
Stepping into the plane the hostess nodded her thanks taking Jimins ticket,
"Oh sir your this way..." she looked to where both males still held hands.
"Oh.....o...of course," Jimin felt reluctant to let go.
"It's ok he can use the seat next to me...I always pay for two..." Jungkook said,dragging Jimin forwards to the exclusive section where the seats were large and could become a bed a small wall separating them.
"I shouldn't be here....."
"Yes you should....now sit here..."
"Jimin you ok?!?"
"He's fine Tae,let him be...."
Jimin sat strapped in listening to the safety talk then the engines started and he twisted his hands nervously until a large one reached over holding one of his.
Jimin clung to it as if his life depended on it as the plane sped up along the runway and took off.
"You can open your eyes now we are in the air...."
Jimin opened his eyes,gulping and trying to relax he went to pull his hand away but the other held tight.
"It's fine,wait til your settled....,try and sleep you look tired...."
Jimin closed his eyes expecting nerves to keep him awake but gradually he was lulled to sleep his head resting against Jungkooks hand as if in comfort.....and Jungkook....who cared if it was slightly awkward sitting like that,the fact Jimin was so relaxed with him brought the biggest grin to his face.

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