Chapter Eighteen

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River's POV:

We sat outside Persephone's place as Darcy looked at the home we were about to enter.

"I'm scared" Darcy told me and I looked to her to give her a half smile, I have no idea how she is feeling. It must be a lot, since from a young age she doesn't really remember.

"Come on" I told her as we both got out and made our way to the front door. I have a feeling Luiza is probably not here as it's close to end of school and she most likely has gone to get Aurora. 

I knocked the door and walked in with Darcy right behind me. I closed the door as I saw Darcy looking around, "Seph, it's us, where are you?" I asked quite loud, wondering where she was.

"Give me a moment" I heard from upstairs, so I led Darcy to the lounge as she spotted the toys in the corner and grabbed my arm.

"She has a kid! I'm an aunt?" she asked and questioned in a whisper.

"You are yes" we heard from behind us to see Persephone in the most casual clothes of sweats and her hair loosely down. Darcy's eyes widened as she took in her sister as I sat down to give them a moment.

"It's a lot to take in and I'm sure you have a bunch a questions but if we-"Persephone didn't get to finish her sentence and Darcy threw her arms around her into a tight hug. I was shocked myself to see this and so was Seph but she gave in and wrapped her arms around her as well.

"I do remember you" Darcy whispered but we both heard it. Seph looked to me and I smiled at her.

They broke from the hug, both of them in tears as they sat down, "I'm not sure how much you want to know?" Seph asked Darcy.

"All of it, I want the truth, no more lies" she replied and Seph nodded and made sure this was okay with me and I nodded. So she proceeded to relay them same story that she told me and by the end of it Darcy was pacing, a thing she does when she's nervous or thinking too hard.

"It'll be okay, River and I got it sorted, I'm back now and there's no getting rid of me" Seph told her and Darcy gave her a look and nodded.

"Does mom know?" Darcy asked and I nodded.

"She didn't at first but I told her" I said and Darcy took a breathe. At the same time the front door opened and I knew it had to be Luiza and Aurora.

Seph got up as Aurora ran in to pick her up and give her a hug.

"Hi sweetie, how was school?" Seph asked and Aurora smiled wide.

"It was good" her eyes found me and widened. "RIVER!" she squealed and Seph put her down as she ran to me and jump on me to give me a hug.

"Hi honey" I said as she hugged me.

As Seph got her attention she pointed to Darcy, "Rora, this is your other aunt and mine and River's sister, Darcy" Seph said and Aurora got up to look at Darcy.

"I have another aunt!" she squealed out in excitement.

"Hi cutie, I'm your aunt Darcy" Darcy said and Aurora grabbed her hand and dragged her to her room, "Come see all my dresses" she said in excitement dragging Darcy away.

"Well that went well, we'll give them some time to bond" Seph said and I got up.

"I'm glad it went as well as it did, could of gone bad" I told her and she agreed. My phone rang to show it's Caitlyn so I showed Seph, as I went outside to answer the call.

Persephone's POV:

As River went outside to answer to call, I felt two arms wrap around me from behind as I leaned my head back, Luiza placed a kiss on my shoulder.

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