Chapter Nineteen

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Third Person POV:

River and Caitlyn left before the break of dawn to take the long drive to one of River's cabins hidden away for some peace and quiet for the couple. On the drive, low music was played to fill the air as Caitlyn looked out the window and River kept their eyes on the road ahead.

Caitlyn looked over to River with a thoughtful look on her face, "Damon called me the other day to apologise for how he acted at the party" she started off and River gave a small side glance and hummed along letting her continue, "then he suggested the craziest thing ever" she carried on and paused again to see if River would say a word.

"And what did he suggest?" River asked and Caitlyn frowned a little, "he suggested that you killed Jordan because of what you said at the party about what you did to him" she said and River slowly pulled the car over.

"I was attacked too, do you believe Damon?" River asked Caitlyn as the car was still running but she turned her body to look at Caitlyn.

"Should I?" she asked back the tension in the car shifting slightly as they both feared any words each other would say.

"If someone hurts the people I care about, friends or family then yes I would go to means to hurt somebody, but killing someone... I don't know" River said and placed her hands on the wheel ready to continue driving but Caitlyn placed her hand over River making her look at her.

"Would you hurt someone to protect me?" Caitlyn asked and River nodded.

"W-would you kill someone to protect me?" Caitlyn asked lower and River looked her in the eyes.

"Yes" and she continued driving. A deadly chill running through Caitlyn as she sat back and for the first time since they met, she feared River.


They eventually pulled up to a family nook cabin in the middle of nowhere but what surrounded the place where green grass fields, a dirt path and many trees and beautiful flowers around made this area look like a paradise. The cabin was made out of the finest wooden logs to give it the country core style to it. The home had a large deck leading up to the porch to the front door. The first room was a large living space with couches, a large bookshelf along the far wall and a fireplace ready to be lit for ambience. This one space had an open ceiling so you could see a balcony looking down. To the right was a kitchen with a small island and a dining room table leading off to another room. On the left of the room was the master bedroom and bathroom where they would spend most their time. Upstairs was just two more bedrooms and a washroom but they wouldn't be in use.

The room the leaded off was a large family room with many things in place. A corner reading area with a large chair to sit and read with a lamp on a table and a small bookshelf to the side. A poker table in the centre large enough to fit 6 people, a billiard table, a few pinballs machines and two arcade machines. Still with enough space for a small bar. They dropped their bags in the bedroom as River gave a small tour of the home.

"So what else is there to do over the course of the weekend?" Caitlyn asked as she sat in the great room.

"Well a little about my life when I come here, I get to do things I enjoy. We have quad bikes we can take for a spin, a small lake about five minutes away we can visit and go for a small boat ride. There's also a spring about ten minutes east we can go to as well" River told her as they went to the kitchen and returned quickly with two glasses of water and handed one to Caitlyn.

"It's so quiet" Caitlyn said and looked around as she sipped her water and as her eyes landed on River, that fear came back but this time River noticed it.

"You're scared of me from what I said, aren't you?" River asked and made sure to keep distance if that was the case.

"I'm not scared of you, just what you said did, I never heard anyone say that about me before. I don't want to lose you" Caitlyn told River and she walked over and sat by Caitlyn.

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