9) Best Way to Keep a Secret is to Be Famous in Public

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A/N: just saw I'm currently at 5 readers with 1 vote on each chapter out, so I'm basically famous. I will be accepting interviews with Time Magazine and Vogue soon. 

-Dick POV-

Dick was walking with Tim and Damian to the Pizza place where they were supposed to meet up with Jason for Dick's super fun, and very mandatory, monthly Be Normal Day. It had started a few months back after the news outlets were gossiping about their family (what else is new) and talking about how the young Waynes were never seen in public together except for at Galas. That caused a bunch of rumors to spread about how they secretly hated each other or that they were competing over who got Wayne Enterprises. In order to off set this, Dick had planned monthly outings for his brothers and himself, not just for the press but also so they could have a normal day once in a while.

Once they got outside the place, Dick's phone dinged. He pulled it out and instantly showed his brothers.

"I'm bringing someone to Be Normal Day, sorry not sorry. Tt- what is that supposed to mean?" Damian scoffed as he read the text.

Tim tilted his head. "Is he dating someone? This would be a very Jason way of telling us."

"Okay we have to be normal about this" Dick said as he put his phone away.

"Obviously we have to be normal, it's literally called Be Normal Day," Damian mumbled and then begrudgingly high fived Tim who had burst out laughing.

Dick rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean Dami. If Jay is introducing us to his partner we have to be normal and supportive. No crazy questions or talking bad about them."

The two boys mumbled their 'fine's as a cab pulled up in front of them. Jason hopped out, beaming. He stood next to the cab, door still open as if waiting for something, before rolling his eyes and pulling a familiar young teen out of the cab behind him.

"If they are dating, I'm killing myself," Tim muttered, Damian nodding in agreement.

Jason paid the driver before slinging an arm over the boy's shoulder (it was basically a head lock, Jason had Nico in a half friendly headlock) and pulling him towards his brothers. "Guys, I'd like to introduce you to Nico 'Last name I Was Never Told'. I found him at Aldo's."

"He stole my groceries. I've basically been kidnapped," Nico interjected. "And it's DiAngelo."

Jason rolled his eyes and shifted his hand from his shoulder to ruffle his hair. "Kidnapped is such a strong word; plus it's not like there's anyone to report you missing."

Dick and the others immediately stiffened, worried that Jason might have crossed the line but instead the boy just chuckled. They all relaxed and Dick gave him a quick introduction before leading them inside and to a booth by the window.

They made small talk while looking at the menu and subtlety texting each over.


⚰️- Jason

🤺- Damian

🎪- Dick

🧠- Tim

🎪: Jason, do you know who this is?

⚰️: Nico DiAngelo, aka, your secret ally of Crime Alley

🧠: please tell me you didn't track him down. we wanted to keep him secret for a reason.

⚰️: I actually met him at Aldo's by accident. I had already decided to bring him by the time I realized who he was.

🤺: you are becoming Father, can't help picking up strays.

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