60) Filler? I Barely Know Her!

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A/N: haha remember when I was like, no more filler chapters... I lied. Here is a filler chapter. After this though, I do have some plot moving stuff going down so get excited.

Know what Nico thought was pretty rude? Time. It went either way too fast or way too slow. His first month at the manor seemed to last years but suddenly it was September— suddenly, he was fighting for his life.

"Fuck no," Nico said with finality as he had a stare down with Bruce. "That's not gonna happen."

Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, this was the fifth time they had had this fight. "I get that you don't want to Nico, but this is non negotiable. Your brothers all-"

"Not true. Tim dropped out and Jason died-"

"Those were both very different situations." Bruce turned to Barb who was silently reading on the living room couch with Dick. "Care to help me out?"

Babs glanced up at them. "You have a million children Bruce. If you don't know how to deal with them by now, then I can't help you."

Tim walked into the room and saw the two in their stand off. "This is still going on? I don't think you're winning this one Bruce."

Nico threw open his arms in exasperation. "Tim and Babs both agree with me that this is a useless fight."

Bruce ran a hand through his hair. "School is important Nico. You need an education and socializing with peers is-"

Nico groaned, falling backwards into a chair. "I speak multiple languages. I am trained in field medicine. I have been a member of the New Rome Senate for over a year. I train everyday. How is that not educated enough?"

"All of that is great, but that isn't a balanced education."

"What am I missing? History? I was born in the 1930s, I lived it."

"He's not wrong," Jason said as he walked into the room.

"Not helping," Bruce said, sitting down in an armchair across from Nico.

Jason just shrugged and sat in the windowsill. "Never said I was trying to help."

"As for peer socialization, I don't exactly have any real peers. Not a whole not of mortals can relate to being both 14 and 84. Plus, I socialize all the time at the camps."

Bruce raised an eyebrow at the demigod.

"Okay fine, I don't socialize a lot, but the point still stands. Demigods and school don't mix. Not a lot of people to relate to there."

"Fine," Bruce said, raking a hand down his face. "Let's make a deal. You do homeschool during the day time, going in once a week to turn in your work, and then you go to the mountain too."

"Wait wait wait-"

Bruce just kept going. "You don't have to join officially, but once a week you go to the mountain for the whole day. You said you won't find peers at school, then superheroes are the next best option."

Tim let out a laugh. "Ha, you gotta do school and be around kids you're age-"

"You're homeschooling too Tim," Bruce said as he crossed his arms. Tim stopped laughing.

"Sucks to suck," Jason said with a smile.

Tim scoffed. "How come I have to do it while Jason doesn't? He never finished school either."

"First off, I died-"

"Tt- I did as well Todd, but you don't see me using it to get out of school."

"Shut it Demon. I had an actual reason to leave school. And secondly, I got my GED last year."

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