13) Father is Fathering

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A/N: in case you couldn't tell from last chapter, I really like soft Bruce Wayne. 

-Bruce POV-

Bruce froze where he stood, hand still outstretched as he watch the kid shrink in on himself. Bruce had assumed that Nico was abused in some way due to the panic attack and the way he flinched at most physical contact, but he had assumed that it was mostly emotional abuse or neglect of some sort. However, the way he instinctively covered his face and pulled his legs in to protect his abdomen proved it went deeper than that. Slowly he knelt down in front of the boy noticing that he was slightly hyperventilating and frozen in his position.

"Nico, I need you to look at me." Bruce's voice was serious but non threatening. It took a few seconds but the boy lowered his arm slightly so it was still blocking his face but he could see Bruce. "I will never, and I mean never, lay a hand on you. I know that trust is earned, and you haven't known me very long so I still have a ways to go, but I want you to hear me say it. I will never hit you or harm you in any way."

Bruce's works seemed to cut Nico like a knife, the boy's arm slowly dropping and his body slowly released from its tense position. Nico didn't say anything for a while, barely moving at all, his eyes just searching Bruce's for a hint of a lie.

Bruce heard the sound of the others heading down the hallway but he didn't look away from Nico. When he heard their movements halt, he knew they noticed them and prayed that they understood to leave. He heard their quiet step retreat and thankfully Nico seemed to not notice.

"Do you understand what I said Nico? You don't have to trust it, or even believe it right now because that comes with time, but I want to make sure you understand what I'm saying." Bruce watched as the boy slowly nodded, he was unsure of himself but it was a clear answer. Bruce slowly offered his hand to the boy as he got up. Nico stared at it for a second before gripping it and letting himself be pulled up. Once he was sure the boy was steady he brought him through the doors he had stopped in front of before.

Bruce watched as Nico looked around in a bit of awe at the library before leading him to a set of armchairs. "I decided to bring you here instead of my office because I know offices can be associated with being in trouble and I wanted you to feel comfortable," Bruce said with a soft smile. "I already failed at that a little bit, but I still thought this would be a nice place to chat."

Nico twisted his ring nervously as he stared at the carpet. "What did you want to talk about?"

Bruce made a mental note that Nico was uncomfortable with situations like this, but he knew there was no way to avoid it for the moment. "I know the others joke that I have a habit of adopting every orphan I come across-"

Nico cut Bruce off before he could finish. "I don't expect you to take me in. You don't have to let me down easy, I am fine where I am."

Bruce's heart nearly broke at the kid's words. Nico assumed Bruce was telling him that he didn't want him, and the kid's immediate response was to reassure him that it was okay. "That's not what I was going to say."

Nico looked up from the carpet to look at the man, a mix of confusion and doubt painted across his face. "What were you going to say?"

"I know you don't know us, but just watching you and the boys together... it felt right. There is no pressure on you at all, and I'll respect whatever you decide and give you as much time as you need to think it over, but I want you to be a part of our family."

Nico's mouth open and closed as if the words he found left him as soon as they came. "What?" He whispered, his voice shaky.

"I want to adopt you. I know that you are fine on your own, but I think you would be great as part of our family." Bruce leaned forward I his seat, resting his arms on his knees.

Nico looked away from him and towards the window. "Why?"

Bruce felt like his heart had been stabbed by that one word. "Because you are an amazing kid. You're funny and smart. You care about others and the boys took to you immediately-"

"I've caused nothing but problems since you met me. You've known me for less than a day and I've broken down twice." Nico's voice was nearly pleading, as if he was begging Bruce to see that he shouldn't want him.

"You have been nothing but a pleasure to be around. And you could breakdown twice day for the rest of your life and I'd still want you to be part of this family." Bruce left his chair and knelt in front of the boy again, not even caring that his knees were beginning to ache. "All of us are broken. Everyone in this family has been shattered to pieces but none of us care. Dick was a child acrobat who watched his parents fall to their death and he's still my son. Jason's parents were horrible to him before they died, he still can't talk about the worst of it, and he is still my son. Tim was neglected his entire childhood until he came to me and he is my son. Damian's mother hid him from me for ten years and forced him to do terrible things, and he's my son." Bruce set a gentle hand on Nico's shoulder. "I don't care about your past or the things you've done. I don't care if you think you're broken beyond repair, I still want you as part of our family."

Nico had his eyes closed tight, head still turned away from Bruce, but the man could see a tear streak down his face. The kid pulled down his sleeve and quickly wiped his cheek only for another tear to fall.

Bruce reached behind him and grabbed the box of tissues off the table to offer to Nico. "I don't need an answer now. You can take however long you need. And if you decide you don't want to, you can still be part of our lives and you are always allowed to change your mind. Hell, you could come to me when you're forty and accept and I would be overjoyed."

Nico let out a small laugh at that and grabbed a tissue. He sat there thinking for a long while before he quietly whispered. "Can I just think about it for a little while?" 

Bruce smiled at the boy. "Of course. I want you to be sure, whatever you choose. How about until you're sure, you come over once a week for dinner? You're always welcome, but at least once a week."

Nico nodded with a small smile. "How about Saturdays?"

"Saturdays just became my favorite day of the week."

Nico stood up, Bruce doing the same, and looked up at the man. "Then I'll see you on Saturday."

Bruce gave him a beaming smile. "Alfred is going to go grocery shopping soon so he can drop you off at your apartment if you want." The kid nodded. "Can I hug you?"

Nico hesitated but nodded again. Bruce smiled and enveloped him in a massive hug, careful not to squeeze too hard or too long. The boy hesitated, but Nico slowly hugged him back.

Bruce smiled as the teen's arms wrapped around him. I pray he says yes. 

A/N: I am aware that Bruce moves fast, but he also basically kidnapped Jason after he tried to steal the bat mobile's tires, so I feel like its in character. Still going delulu over here, but chapter 3 is out so that's fun. Cheers to the one person who's read it so far. 

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