49) Great, Now He's Been Outed in Front of Two Jasons

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A/N: happy last day of February! today is the last day where my chapters and updates line up easily. Now I will have to remember which day to release them on when setting it. Also this is a long chapter.

It took a whole fifteen minutes after Nico and Bruce returned to the room for the ADHD to kick in. After the snacks that Alfred brought were gone, the room slowly turned to chaos. It started with Leo beginning to build something random from the parts in his tool belt. And then the machine he built caught on fine, which then prompted him to catch on fire. After he finally put himself and the machine out, there was a whole debate among the demigods on whether or not that counted as Leo setting one or two fires, since it was a chain reaction. Half of them were team one fire and the others were team two fires. The first mistake was asking the Waynes what they thought. The second mistake was letting Damian and Jason both on team two fires.

Immediately Damian and Tim were fighting, Jason fanning the flames (metaphorical). Then Leo, who was on team two fires, picked a fight with Piper, Rachel fanning the flames (literal). Jason (the stapler-eater) and Percy were having a stand off, Jason trying to argue that a chain reaction meant it was only one fire, while Percy just called him stupid. Dick and Duke were trying to separate the fighting Waynes while Steph and Will were making bets on who would win. Nico sat with Barb and Cass, watching everything go down. Hazel had picked team one fire and was bickering with her boyfriend over his choice of two fires. Bruce just had his head in his hands, Reyna patting his shoulder in condolences for the partially destroyed room from her spot between the man and Annabeth.

It was only stopped by Alfred walking in. "Young masters, might I recommend taking this outside? I would hate for this historic manor, that has survived multiple super villain attacks and natural disasters, to fall to a bunch of demigods and overly aggressive children."

Immediately the fighting stopped as they filtered out of the room, following Dick to the backyard.

"Holy Hestia, why is everything here so massive?" Percy asked as he looked around the giant yard. "Is that tree shaped like a giraffe?"

Damian nodded. "When I first arrived at my father's house, I beheaded it in my training."


"My mother raised me to fight. I have since given up that life style, but I continue to practice with my katanas. After destroying the garden, my father gave me a suitable training area."

Percy chuckled at the kid's formal way of speaking. "I began training when I was a little younger than you. Wanna learn some Greek Fighting techniques?"

Damian smirked. "I will bring you to the gym and we maybe begin."

The two walked back into the house, Percy ruffling the kid's hair.

Leo and Tim had also splintered off from the group so Tim could show him the computers he had made. Barbra and Piper were at a little patio table, sharing embarrassing photos of the others. Bruce and Reyna were walking the gardens, chatting together like old friends. Cass and Hazel had retreated inside to ask Alfred for more cookies. Jason (the zombie) and Annabeth, both apparently needing a break from the chaos of the others had left to the library before they had even gotten outside. Dick and Jason (sparky) were telling stories about their siblings (both real and honorary). Steph had dragged Rachel somewhere, yelling that they had 'plans to make' over she shoulder before disappearing into the garden. Duke and Frank were just sitting in the grass, enjoying the lack of fighting around them.

Nico, seeing everyone else split off, had decided to sit under his favorite willow tree in the garden. He had claimed it as his on his first day in the manor because from the inside it was cool and shaded, but you could still see the rest of the garden from the trunk. He had intended to go alone, but a certain son of Apollo apparently had other ideas as he felt a tug on his sleeve once he had parted the willow branches.

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