41) Clarisse Commits War Crimes

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A/N: the last one was long, so this one is short

As soon as they were done questioning her, Nico released the soul before turning to Bruce. "My hour is up Batman. I'll be seein you around."

He didn't wait for a response before walking into the shadow and disappearing, leaving them to deal with the pit full of soda and food. As he reappeared in his room he made a mad dash to his closest and threw his vigilante clothes in the corner before switching into his regular clothes. He send a quick text to Bruce to let him know he would be at camp before entering the shadows once again.

Instead of aiming for his cabin like he usually did, he went straight to the big house. He stepped out of the shadows and into the broom closet before opening the door and accidentally scaring everyone. "Sorry for being late. I was caught up with the Waynes at some event."

Percy let out a snort as the other cabin leaders were still getting over their shock. "The amount of jokes I could make right now."

Will looked confused at the son of Poseidon's statement while Nico just punched him in the shoulder as he walked by to take his seat.

Chiron cleared his throat, gaining their attention as he rolled into the room. "Good, everyone is here. Camp Jupiter is scheduled for their first major visit since last year. Nearly the entire legion with be here along with the praetors will be here for a week staring the day after the memorial of the Giant War. I expect everyone to help as much as you can. They will be setting up tents throughout the camp, divided by legion. 1 and 2 will be between the canoe lake and amphitheater. 3 will be between the strawberry fields and Big House. 4 will be between the mess hall and rock climbing wall. And 5 will be next to the arena and cabins. They are a well oiled machine so they shouldn't need too much help with setting up, but I expect all of you and your siblings to be ready to offer it."

Annabeth raised her hand. "Are Leo and Calypso coming back for the visit?"

"I believe Leo will be arriving the day after the legion, but Calypso has to stay back to keep an eye on their shop. Jason will be coming in the day before the memorial."

Percy perked up at that. "I thought he was going to be stuck in Boston?"

"He was able to make it work."

"Capture the flag is going to be amazing," Clarisse said with a sinister smile.

Everyone shivered slightly before Chiron dismissed them. Clarisse immediately grabbed hold of Annabeth and Will's wrists and dragged them out of the room saying that they needed to start planning. Nico instantly got scared because if she needed a medic just for the plans, the actual fight was gonna be a blood bath.

"So, how is family life treating you Mr. DiAngelo-Wayne," Percy asked with a laugh as the two left the Big House. "You haven't become a rich snob since I last saw you, right?"

Nico rolled his eyes. "You saw me like two days ago when Will finally let me out of the infirmary."

Percy just shrugged. "A lot can happen in a couple of days. You could have gained a taste for caviar or lobster, and then I'd have had to fight you."

"Because I'd snobby or for eating seafood?"

"Why can't it be both?"

Both boys chuckled before a comfortable silence settled between them. It had been a long journey, but Percy had become family. Granted, they were always technically family, but it had finally become real. Percy had adopted a brotherly affection for him, Jason even more so, and it was nice. Obviously he had the Waynes, but it was different for the demigods. They were shoved together by the will of the gods, destined to hate one another, but they were a family.

As the sun began to set over the lake, Nico turned to Percy. "If I can convince Bruce, do you think the seven, Will, and Rayna would want to spend a day at Wayne Manor? You could all officially meet the Wayne's." Nico twisted his ring nervously but Percy just beamed at him.

"I'm sure we'd all love to. They get here the 19th, capture the flag will be the 21st, so how about the 22nd?"

Nico nodded, a small smile on his face, before saying, "I'll ask Bruce. I should head back now though. Tell Will I say good luck with whatever hellscape Clarisse is planning. I'll see you in like a week."

Percy nodded with a smile before the boy walked into the shadow of a tree and was gone.

A/N: For all the Percico shippers out there, sucks to suck. This is a Solangelo household. Also, for plot purposes, Nico is only out to Jason, Percy, and Annabeth. And maybe Reyna, I haven't decided about her.

Vote. Comment. Tell me what ships you wanna see in either YJ/JL or PJO/HoO (I am a big Kon-El and Tim fan and Jon and Damian).

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