76) Calm, I'd Like to Introduce You to Storm

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A/N: this one is pretty short, however its the beginning of the end so you'll have to accept it.

-Bruce POV-

They had just parked the car a block away from Nico's Aunt's apartment when the nerves really set him. Bruce had heard amazing things about Sally and he really didn't want to make a bad impression, especially because they were only meeting because his son ran away.

"You ready to meet Sally?" Dick asked as he got out of the car, Damian getting out behind him as well. Tim had to stay back with the Team and Jason was in the middle of a mission, but the other two had insisted on coming as well.

Bruce let out a sigh as they began to walk together towards the apartment. "Not at all. I was hoping we would meet by having her over to the manor, not because Nico popped up in New York and she found him."

"It is a little ironic that you both have now found DiAngelo in a park," Damian said with a small chuckle. "Only this time, Todd did not shove him in a tree."

Bruce pressed the buzzer, ignoring Damian's comment, and the door of the building unlocked. The trio began climbing up the stairs until they reached the fourth floor and began walking down the hall. Before he could even knock on the door, a woman, looking to be in her early forties, opened the door.

"You must be Nico's dad," She said with a smile, opening the door for them to come in. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Wayne."

Bruce shook her hand. "Please, call me Bruce."

"Then you can call me Sally." She turned to look at the boy and she extended a hand to each of them. "You guys must be two of my nephews then."

"Nephews?" Damian asked.

Sally smiled warmly at them. "I'm Nico's aunt, so by extension, yours as well if you'll have me."

Dick smiled and shook her hand. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Aunt Sally. I'm Richard, but I go by Dick. I'm the eldest."

Damain shook her hand next. "I am Damian, and I am the youngest. Todd and Drake could not come today, but I am sure you will meet them at some point."

Bruce chuckled slightly. "He means, Jason Todd, the second eldest, and Tim Drake, the third. We will have to do a family reunion at some point. We have still yet to meet Nico's cousin Thalia."

Sally laughed. "It'll take some convincing to get her to enter a house full of men, but she'd probably do it for Nico."

The door opened down the fall and Nico came waking out with a toddler on his hip. "Hey Aunt Sally, I think Stell-" his words were cut off when he saw them at the door. "Sorry, I think Estella wants you."

Sally smiled, taking the child from him and gesturing everyone to the couch. "Paul went out to pick up some bagels and should be back any minute, but I think you all should chat. I'm gonna go change this one's diaper."

Sally left the room, leaving just the Waynes on the couch and chairs. Nico looked uncomfortable and Bruce immediately got worried that maybe he needed space or that they did something wrong.

"I'm sorry for running away," Nico said quietly from his place in the armchair across from them. "I know that I can't keep running from my problems, I just need to cool off."

Bruce smiled at him softly. "Its okay Nico, I understand. I'm just glad you reached out and let us know you were okay."

Nico nodded, looking relieved that Bruce wasn't mad.

"I'm glad we got to meet Sally— or I guess Aunt Sally. She's gonna regret naming herself our Aunt once she meets the whole family," Dick said with a laugh, trying to ease the tension in the room.

Nico snorted. "Trust me, that's nothing. Do you have any idea how many demigods she's claimed as her own? We joke that World War Three will really start the second someone disrespects Sally."

Damian nodded. "I can see why they like her. She is very kind."

Bruce glanced at Damian in surprise. It wasn't often that he took to someone from the get go. "Does this mean you will actually call her Aunt Sally instead of Jackson-Blofis?"

"Tt-" Was all Damian said, but Bruce knew that that meant yes.

The front door opened and in walked a man with salt and pepper hair.

"Oh, you must be the Waynes," he said as he set down the paper bag full of bagels. "I'm Paul."

They all stood up to shook his hand and introduce themselves, Sally rejoining them with the toddler on her hip. After every one was introduce, including Estelle who had grabbed onto Nico and refused to let go, they all sat back on the couch and chatted for a while until Dick got a call from Tim saying that the team would be heading out after lunch so they had to get back. They all said goodbye, Nico actually hugging Sally, Paul, and Estelle goodbye, before they went down and loaded into the car.

"Who knew you were so good with kids," Dick said with a laugh as they closed the car doors and Bruce began to drive them back to Gotham.

Nico shrugged. "I stayed with Percy and his family off and on for a little while after the Wars. She apparently liked me the most since I'm the only demigod, other than Percy, that she knows the name of. Well, she calls me 'Ico', but it's close enough."

Bruce chuckled. "When Jon Kent was little, he called me 'Boose.'"

Domain snorted. "I am never letting Kent live that down."


Nico had been almost excited to get back to the manor. They had always intended for Ghost King to leave early and Nico to make an appearance, but now it was even more believable. Before Dick and the others had left that morning, they had told the team that Nico had flown back early to visit his aunt in NY, so the team was expecting him. He was around Bart, Kon, and Cassie a decent amount because of school, but the others had limited exposure to him. He thought it was funny how they acted around him.

They pulled up to the manor and immediately Nico felt like something was off. They all got out of the car by the front door, but Nico put a hand up to halt their movements.

"What wrong Nico?" Bruce asked, eyes immediately scanning their surroundings.

Nico closed his eyes and focused before his stomach dropped and he began sprinting towards the door. "Slade." 

A/N: and the cliffhangers begin ahahahaahahahah. From here on out, we are in the endgame of the first book so get excited!!!!

Vote. Comment. Tell me what you think Book 2 will be named (I have a few ideas, but I haven't picked one yet). 

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