14) Where Did He Come From? Where Will He Go?

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A/N: this one is pretty short, just a warning. 

When Nico arrived back at his apartment, he didn't know what to do. He just stood in the middle of the kitchen for a few hours, his mind racing. He didn't know how to feel. A family that had only known him for a day, wanted him. How could he trust that? Camp had taken years to accept him and even then it always felt conditional. At camp they accepted him because he worked for it. He turned the tides of two wars. He defied his father to help Percy get the Curse of Achilles. He nearly killed himself to bring the Athena Parthenon to them. He fought tooth and nail for their acceptance, but he knew that if he messed up, he could loose it in an instant. Why would it be any different with mortals? At least at Camp they were used to the godly world, these mortals would shun him the second they learned about what he was. He couldn't face it, not again. He wouldn't survive if he began to see them as family, just to be hated again.

He continued his spiral until he was snapped out of it when he heard a light tapping on the window. His eyes darted over and to his surprise, he saw Robin squatting on the fire escape. Though he was very confused by the presence of the vigilante, he went over and opened the window for him.

"I would have just picked the lock but that would probably be rude." The kid spoke with a shrug as he stepped into the apartment.

"Probably?" Another person said as they climbed in through the window. It took Nico a second, but the name Red Hood supplied itself to him as the man continued. "It would definitely be rude. Hi, you must be Nico."

Robin sighed at the guy's remark. "He got jealous that we had all met you and he hadn't yet. We came by yesterday but you weren't here."

"I was at a friend's house." He said, still in a bit of a haze. "You picked a good day though, I'm heading out tomorrow morning." He said it before he even realized the statement was true. He had to go.

The two shared a look before Robin spoke, his voice sounding weirdly disappointed. "How long will you be gone?"

Nico stared at his ring for a moment, not sure what to say. "I don't know. A week? Maybe more? It depends."

"Where are you going?" Red Hood spoke, his voice sounding slightly strained.

Nico sighed and looked at the ceiling for a moment before turning back to them. He didn't get why they cared so much. Sure he had saved two of their lives but this felt like they were personally betrayed by the idea of him leaving town. "I have to visit my cousins, I have some stuff I need to talk to them about. I'll probably be in New York, California, or Texas. Or maybe all of them, I don't know yet."

"Then we won't keep you," Robin said as he turned and left through the window they had entered from moments before.

Red Hood watched him leave before turning back to face Nico. "Don't worry about him, he's dealing with some stuff. We came by to give you this." He pulled out a small bag from his pocket and handed it to the boy. "I hope you find what you're looking for while you're away," the vigilante said before also disappearing out the window.

Nico stood there, staring at the window for a long moment, before silently closing it again. He sat at the table and opened the bag. Inside was a small keychain looking thing with a button and a note written in Italian.

We made this for you in case you are ever in danger. Just press the button and it will send out an SOS signal to all of us with your current location. It won't track you unless you click is so you don't have to worry about us stalking you. Thank you for all you've done for us.

-the Batfam 

A/N: Ooooooo he's running again? Wonder where? Guess you'll have to find out tomorrow. Wattpad's scheduled posting is amazing rn. I didn't want to have to spam post these lmao.

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