Ignoring Her

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A lot of time passed silently. Meanwhile, Hoor ul Ain after going through many setbacks, at last, got a suitable job for herself in a company. Shanzal wanted that she did work with him in his office.

But she refused him very sternly and said that she doesn't want to live under his sympathies and alms.

Now his daughter turns eight years old. After coming back from the office, Hoor ul Ain spent all her time with her. Shanzal Ali Shah and this little pretty doll also started getting along well with each other.

Whenever he was alone and sad then talking with her will only soothe him. It seems as if he forgets how to laugh, enjoy life, or dream his life.

A strange silence was always apparent on his lips. Still, he tried to least confront Hoor ul Ain.

However, the day when he was lying on his bed talking to Zoya Khan on the mobile, she came to his room for the second time. He who was so engrossed in Zoya Khan's beautiful talks was startled by her instant appearance.

His heart inside started beating fastly. He doesn't know what to say to her when he slowly excused Zoya and cut the call.

"You are here.....at that time, is everything alright.....?"

It was evening time, and he becomes worried about seeing her at that time. But Hoor ul Ain completely diverted her eyes from his concerned look and said in a dried tone.

"Yes, everything is alright, actually I have to give back your some debts, so I came here to pay them back."

"Debts..... what kind of debts......?"

He, in actuality, was surprised by her.

"After my husband's death, though unwantedly and hardly I am living here in one of the rooms of your palace-like house for the last eight months, so I don't want to take any favor from you on myself, that's why, according to my calculation, I am here to pay you the rent of one year, take it."

On her words, he kept staring at her with an astonished look with unblinking eyes. And then, in an instant, he started laughing madly. Hoor ul Ain glared at him with a sad look.

"Ohh, God..... I have forgotten that for the last one year, you are living in my house with one room on rent, thanks for making me remember, you deserve credit for your self-esteem, but.... sadly Miss Hoor ul Ain, you are still forgetting a lot, anyways don't worry, I will remind you."

He said quite solemnly looking attentively at her astonished face. Then exhaling the breath he started.

"Look, Miss Hoor, as you don't want to die while taking my favors on yourself, that's why it's also my wish to let today make everything clear."

For a moment, he stopped and stared deeply at her beautiful face.

"First of all, after staying here your husband Mr. Faisal has taken the loan of twenty lac rupees to secure his drowning business, that loan has not been repaid till now, though he took all your jewelry to me at that time, but I didn't find it suitable to accept it, that's why for your sake I give him a huge loan of twenty lac rupees, after that if living in that marvelous house is costing you the rent of five thousand rupees monthly, then this amount becomes almost sixty thousand yearly, and contrary to this eating food daily, electricity and gas bills are not included in it, so the total amount that is liable on you it becomes almost twenty lacs and eighty, ninety thousand. How much money do you want to pay me back now....."

His gestures and his words were enough to shock Hoor ul Ain. Though when did he behave like that with Hoor ul Ain priorly? And here she was living under extreme guilt saving each and every penny for the last four to five months and now she was holding it tightly in her fist, trying her best to stop brewing tears by lowering her head.

"Now you can go Miss Hoor, and from now on don't you dare to come to my bedroom without my permission, rest I will let my assistant know about it, you can talk with him about all money and transactions-related matters."

How much exasperation was there in his behavior, that made Hoor ul Ain all sweaty in a moment. She came back to her room from Shanzal Ali Shah's bedroom then she finds it hard to control her tears.

She fell onto the bed and started crying madly. She was lamenting her bad luck profoundly. In this whole world, there was no one left for her who can wipe her tears, who can console her, who can encourage her.

As Muathar came back from school she saw her lying on the bed putting her both arms on her eyes.

"Mama..... what happened.....? Are you feeling okay......?"

She looked at her with a concerned look, putting her bag on the table, and straightly ran to her. On her response, she rubbed her red eyes.

"Yes my child, I was feeling a bit of a headache, you tell me, how was your day at school?"

"It was good, but why you cried?"

She was so much sensitive when it comes to her. That's why she can't stop asking after seeing attentively to her red eyes. On that, Hoor ul Ain becomes quite puzzled.

"Nothing happened, my child....... I was just missing your uncle and aunt."

She was stroking Muathar's silky hair lovingly when she made an excuse for her crying. On her saying, she further entangled herself with her and said in her thirsty voice.

"Then Shan uncle will also cry a lot mama, after all, he also lost his sister, with whom he will share his heart feelings, who will wipe his tears, mama......"

"You need not worried about him by thinking something like that, he has a lot of people who can wipe out his tears."

Saying in an extremely stern tone she gets off the bed. In the next few days, she asked her housemaid about shifting to somewhere else. But she forbade her from taking any such action and said in her strict tone.

"People are a very bad daughter, in this men dominated society a woman who lives alone in someone stranger's house is nothing less than a danger for her, and then what's the problem in living here, Shanzal is a very nice child, I know him since his childhood, I am the one who brings him up from my lap to his adulthood, there's no danger here for you, daughter."

Undoubtedly, whatever the maid told her was right by each and every word. That's why for now she canceled her intention for shifting to somewhere else.

To secure her honor in front of Shanzal Ali Shah she felt the need to work more and more. That's why she also started searching for a part-time job. Working day and night has taken a great toll on her health and she felt getting tired from the inside.

Now she finds it hard to take out time for Muathar after doing an overtime job. Shanzal Ali Shah kept looking at her activities and was irked inside by heart seeing her doing work while remaining silent.

On that day, she came back home early from the office because of a half day. Muathar started throwing tantrums to go for outings. Unwillingly, she has to come to the nearby park.

But she started scoffing once she came there. In front of her eyes, Shanzal Ali Shah was sitting facing Zoya Khan on the grass. Both were engrossed in talking and laughing with each other. They were also eating something.

That's why Hoor ul Ain quickly diverted her attention to the other side. But Muathar after spotting them there didn't stop with Hoor. She ran to the Shanzal and climbed into his lap. Hoor ul Ain was standing in her place with a startling look.

On indication of Muathar, Shanzal Ali Shah give a mere glimpse to Hoor ul Ain. And then again he started himself busy with his work.

Hoor ul Ain finds it more awkward the way she has been ignored. That's why after staying for some moments she gets up and came out of the park.

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