Chapter 19

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Dhru was stupefied to see Tara especially with her bags.

After the events of the past few days, he had discussed at length with her . Even though grudgingly, she had agreed to his decision. But now her presence is baffling him.

As he neared her, he could see all the elders were present along with Dhriti and Nandhini.

Automatically his eyes began to search the one person who is going to be affected the most.

As if he had conjured her from his imagination, she walked into the room with their little princess.

As his eyes were on her, he knew the precise moment she saw Tara.

Helplessness washed over him as he saw her stiffen and the sparkle in her eyes dim.

" Dhru"

Tara's voice turned everyone's attention to Dhru. He could see the varied emotions on each one.

But the one he was wary of was Dhriti's. If he say that her one look was enough to burn him into ashes,it won't be any exaggeration.

Dhru mentally palmed himself for putting himself in this situation . He gulped down the lump in his throat, preparing himself for the worst when his voice interrupted them.

"Hi Tara Di...."

All eyes turned to Ansh standing beside Niranjan and Omkar.

Maybe he was the only one with a bright smile on his face while the rest looked tensed.

" still look the same. Is there any scarcity to good boys. Why haven't anyone snatched you up?" he asked jovially

" It's so good to see you too, Ansh. We all missed you " Tara replied while sidestepping the question.

" Hi , Nandhini.... how are you?" She further queried

Nandhini forced a smile while nodding her head in acknowledgement.

Surreptitiously, she threw a glare at Ansh who conveniently ignored the same.

" Hi Princess..."

Gauravi looked at Tara as she greeted her. She looked nice but it did not escape her notice how her Choti Mamma got sad on seeing her.

"Gauravi.... I am Gauravi Rudransh" she retorted.

Her loyalty will be always with her Choti Mamma. Family first that's what her Papa taught her.

While her statement was met with surprise, Ansh stood proud.

In between the awkwardness, Niranjan stepped forward.

" It's good to see you Tara but don't mind me asking , What are you doing here?"

Tara was bewildered and it was evident as she replied.

" You called me here, Bhaiya"

This time it was the turn of Niranjan and others to be perplexed.

" When did I...."

Before he could complete, Ansh interrupted.

" I invited her, Bhaiya"

This was met by a stunned silence .

As Dhru looked at him wide eyed, Sadhavi's eyes conveyed her hurt.

Before she could avert her glance, Ansh's eyes held hers in captive.

Sadhavi could see them beseeching her to trust him.

Even though it was only a couple of seconds, for Ansh it seemed an eternity. Without Avi by his side, he will not be able to do what he set out to do. He didn't want to hurt her more than she already is and for that she need to keep her belief in him.

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