Chapter 39

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A smile spread across his tired face as her arm wrapped around his torso.

" How is Prince?"

"As better as can be expected"

Niranjan frowned at Dhriti's reply.  It was not what he was expecting.

Releasing a sigh, Dhriti moved in front of Niranjan.

"You can't expect him to be all right in a day....and frankly I don't think anyone can be okay with it. We can accept it but nothing else"

Niranjan knew what she said was the truth but still couldn't stop himself from hoping for the best.

With a slight headache brewing, he began rubbing his forehead.

" Ranjan...."

Through the muddled thoughts, Dhriti's concerned voice reached him.

Forcing a smile , he tried to alleviate her fear but who was he kidding.

She never required words to understand her husband. So she waited.....waited for him to gather his thoughts before he confided in her and confide he will.

"I don't know what is happening, Dhriti. It feels like I am being bombarded from every side.  Nandhini, Dhru, Sadhavi, Ansh, Prince..... every relation is at stake."

"Did you talk to Ansh?"

" Hmmm..."

" How did he take it?"

"What do you think? His whole world toppled down in minutes and I couldn't do anything other than watch my child's pain"

Niranjan choked as the memories of Ansh in his study flashed through his mind.

" Ranjan...."

She had not been there but from the agony on his face , it was evident how it may have all went down.

" It was inevitable,  Ranjan. Truth is bitter and we don't have any choice other than accept it. But in midst of all this brutality there is also a silver lining, right...."

Though small, a genuine smile curved his lips.

" True...that is the only thing which is proving to be the solace in this mess"

"Then don't think anything else.... I know now all the relationships are entangled. Coming days are going to be worse but still we have to keep the hope alive in us. If we break, the family will not survive"

" But I am scared, Dhriti. If Ansh's reaction is like this then how will Prince react. This hits him directly. "

"It will be difficult but not impossible. We are all there for him"

Though the words were right. An uncertainty crept into her voice which Niranjan was quick to catch.

" What? Did anything happen?"

" Nothing that you don't know but... " Dhriti trailed off

"I know he is not happy..."

" It is more than that, Ranjan " she stated

As Niranjan looked at her puzzled, Dhriti continued,

"He is not sad over Reva Ma's treatment of him but he is furious of Chacha Chachi's neglect over Dhru Sadhavi's issue. Somehow I feel like he is suppressing his emotion while focusing on others and THIS scars me. What will be his reaction to the truth? Will we be able to reach him?"

Both husband wife stared at each other as trepidation for the future lashed across their hearts.

Though frustrated , Niranjan tried to put a calm front.

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