Chapter 20

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Tara's presence have shaken her up for a moment but Ansh's reassurance went a long way in helping her to keep her sanity.

But what surprised Sadhavi the most was the absence of that pinch to her heart.

She couldn't pinpoint what changed in the short span but was glad to escape the pain.

As she released a breathe of relief, Sadhavi failed to recognize what her mind had accepted long back. is the root cause of every agony.

When expectations is lost from a relationship then it does not make room for any hurt and that is what is  happening in the case of Dhru and Sadhavi.....

Sadhavi was so lost in her own world that she didn't notice Niranjan watching her from the door.

He could never understand the comradery between them.  If he was fire, she was water...... if he was the storm, she was the peace. She is the stillness to his hustle bustle.

But Niranjan always appreciated her influence on him but now seeing the smile on her face after half a decade, he acknowledged his significance in hers.

Even though Niranjan regretted his actions, he was proud of his. Where he failed, his child won.....his Chotu won....


Sadhavi called out as soon as she became aware of his presence.

Niranjan took a moment before walking inside to a smiling Sadhavi.

As he neared her ,he couldn't  resist placing his hand on her head in blessing even when his heart wretched at her warming smile.

"Did you have some work?" She frowned in confusion on seeing Niranjan  at her door.

Never once had he ever seeked her out.

With a nod,Niranjan joined his two hands in front of her, startling her.

As Sadhavi looked on, stunned, he started speaking.

"I apologise,  Sadhavi. I know it is late but better late than never, right " Niranjan mocked himself

"In pursuing redemption for one sister, I unknowingly became the culprit of another. By the time, I realised, everything had slipped from my hands. I am not giving any justification but begging you to give me another chance. I promise you.... this time, your brother won't fail you"

The honesty in his eyes choked her up.  Sadhavi closed her eyes to control the overwhelming emotions but still one or two made their path down her cheeks.

But before she could hide them away, she felt a warm hand on them.

She opened her eyes to Niranjan wiping away the stray tears but what broke her down completely was the love reflecting from his eyes.

Niranjan has always been her best friend's brother, then her husband's.

Never once have they been anything other than formal, maybe due to the fact that he was the crown prince.

Even though many times, Niranjan tried to be friendly when she came with Ansh, she was the one who was hesitant but today she yearned for the protective embrace that Ansh always boasted of.

Without a care about any rules or regulations, she flung herself onto his chest, hiding in his care , as she let out her burden.

Though taken aback at first, Niranjan  didn't step back from giving her the comfort she craved.

" Bas....Sadhavi....don't make me feel guilty more than I am"

Hearing him ,Sadhavi raised her head shaking.

" No...Bhaiya.... You don't need to be...."

But Niranjan didn't let her complete.

"I can't escape from my responsibilities, Sadhavi....and you were mine the moment you took the Suryavanshi name. To be honest, I should have taken double the care . You were not just my brother's wife but my Chotu's best friend. I ought to have taken better care of you in his absence"

His melancholic voice depicting his deep seated remorse.

It was not difficult for Sadhavi to recognise a kindered spirit therefore she also could not let him carry the weight of her mistakes too.

"How much more could you have taken, Bhaiya? It was not hidden from anyone how Bade Papa retired from most of the active duties, delegating it to you after the incident. On top of that you were searching for Ansh and Nandhini. So don't blame yourself if you were not able to involve yourself in our drama. We were not kids, Bhaiya..... If we are at crossroads, then it is upon us . We can't absolve ourselves of our actions...."

"But I should have paid more attention" he repeated miserably

"When, Bhaiya? When you were neck deep in royal duties..... or when you were distressed over Ansh-Nandhini... or when you were... distraught over Bhabhi...." she trailed off sadly.

Niranjan jerked upon hearing this last whispered statement from Sadhavi.

The words bringing forth the worst memories to the forefront. Their recollection was nothing short of traumatic for Niranjan.

Never would he ever wish it upon his worst enemy.

Sadhavi could see how her words impacted Niranjan, even now.  She regretted the pain her words caused but not that she uttered them.

"It was not an easy time for any of us... No one would ever blame you for taking a step back.... but still, Bhaiya, you were able to give back our heart , a little bit of piece that we lost.... Even though it took three years, YOU found out that our Nandhini is safe with our Ansh.... They  ARE together...."

Niranjan stared hard at the girl who with a select few words have vindicated him even though he doesn't deserve it.

He couldn't help ponder over the change in their relationship.  He first met her as his Chotu's friend ,then his Dhru's wife but now.... she permanently holds a piece of his heart.

Niranjan's heart suddenly felt free after a long time. Thanks to her....

He then realized with a start that he was waiting for redemption not only from Nandhini but from Sadhavi too.

With a living smile, Niranjan vowed on her head

"Even if I have to stand against my brother, I won't let anything wrong happen to you. From now on, it will be your decision, your life and your respect..."

Sadhavi's eyes again misted at these sincere words.

She had never ever experienced the feeling of a strong hand over her head. Her parents were always busy in their life, earning money and more money.

Ansh was the only one whom she could share her sorrows but he was her best friend....her equal.

Maybe that is why she craved for Dhru's love and acceptance so badly.

Though realization is late, she understood what Ansh was trying to convey that day.

Our happiness is in our hands only. The princess must be able to slay her own dragon than wait for her  prince charming.

Sadhavi is now confident enough to face whatever life throws. She not only have her best friend but also the  protective arms of a big brother.

"I too swear, Bhaiya that this time I will fight for my respect, if for nothing else"

Niranjan bestowed a proud smile.

The battle is long but it is better than accepting defeat without one....

Loved ones may be left behind with scars but it is better than drawing silent blood....

The path of healing is filled with thorns but finally the path is in view....


How was Niranjan  and Sadhavi?

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