Chapter no.37 The Unofficial Gym part 1

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" Dodge and use Hyper Fan," Austin ordered as he was fighting a random trainer who had a Rattata, with his Raticate.

"Rattata." The boy cried out as his rat was knocked out Raticate gave a huff of annoyance at fighting another small-fry compared to the Gym.

"How many battles is that now?" Misty asked as she was standing near Brock and Yellow.

"I think it's twelve right no," Brock answered as Austin was speaking to the kid who returned his Rattata.

"Man you're Raticate is tough." The boy said to Austin while Raticate just stood next to Austin.

"Yeah she's a strong Pokemon, your Rattata is tough as well," Austin said before seeing Raticate snort at that. "But you should teach him some diversity, that's something I'll be doing to my Raticate soon."

That caught Raticate's attention as she gave him a surprised look.

"Like what?" The boy asked curiously what Rattata could learn.

"Wel,l Rattata and Raticate's can learn quite the diverse type of moves like Thunderbolt and Ice Beam, although the latter would probably be the hardest to learn and they would need more experience," Austin said rubbing the back of his head. "So just try and experiment and you could teach your Rattata to be prepared for anything."

"Thanks, man I bet you could even beat AJ." The boy said with a smile.

"AJ?" Austin said now recognizing the kid from the show.

"Yeah, he trains savage Pokemon and he built his Gym down there." The kid said pointing in a direction. "They say he's never lost a single match."

"Never?" Brock asked in surprise as the kid gave a nod.

"Sounds like a good challenge," Austin said

' Well everything else has been different, why not see how AJ is different?' Austin thought.

"You sure about that Ash?" Misty asked with a raised brow. "I've heard about this AJ when I was in Cerulean City, he has nearly a hundred wins under his belt."

Brock gave a nod agreeing with her. "And you have nearly fifty from all the battles I remember." He said thinking about the various trainers from Pewter to Cerulean and from there to this place.

"That just makes it more exciting," Austin said with a grin.

He was getting into doing this.

"Well,l I guess it would be a good learning experience," Brock said giving a nod.

"I wonder what Pokemon this AJ has?" Yellow mused although she looked worried as she remembered how the kid said that AJ's Pokemon were 'savage'.


It didn't take too long to find the gym closed off by a wooden gate and fence, showing a huge tent behind it as they saw the scoreboard in front of it.

But what caught Austin's attention was the score.

Wins: 99 Losses: 1.

'Wait, someone beat AJ?!' Austin thought in surprise. "I thought people were saying he was undefeated."

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