Chapter no.48 Fears ?!

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Austin yawned as they were all taking a break by a stream in the forest. It's only been two days since the incident with the Tech School and Misty seemed annoyed by them being lost, Arceus forbid if she ever found out he got lost on purpose.

He sat on the rocks as he saw the others were relieved to be resting.

As he watched them, Austin couldn't help but feel a sharp pang of guilt.

There were times when he wondered if he should've just gone on his own instead of travelling with them, yes they were great people and he was happy to get to know them.

But he was lying about who he was and they deserved better than that.

The sound of water caused Austin to turn to see Oddish drinking from a stream and his eyes widened.

This was the part where Bulbasaur came into play.

"Hey, it's an Oddish," Brock said in surprise. "They aren't typically found in forests like this."

" Oddish, the Weed Pokemon. During the day, Oddish usually bury themselves underground to avoid the harsh sun and grow by absorbing moonlight,"

Hearing the voice of the Pokédex, Austin's eyes shifted towards Yellow who was happily checking out the Pokédex in her hands.

Austin had a feeling that the Professor's gifts were a thank you for sending him the footage of Clefairy's dancing around the Moonstone as Yellow was given a Pokédex, he was given an Xtransceiver which he recognised from gen 5 games while Brock was given a journal of notes about Pokémon breeding and poor misty didn't get anything.

"I think Oddish is so cute! Would you mind if I tried to capture it, Misty? " Yellow asked.

" Why would I want to catch a grass-type Pokémon? " Misty said while snorting causing Austin to sweat drop as he could see Starmie's Pokeball in Misty's hand.

" Go Kitty, use string shot ." Yellow joyfully exclaimed as kitty shot out a white web at oddish.

Austin briefly wondered if he should've interfered as this would cause trouble, but he decided to not do anything at this point.

Kitty's string shot was intercepted by a vine whip as another Pokemon leapt into the clearing and delivered a vine whip on kitty. Kitty was knocked to the side and glared at the Pokemon who gave it a sneak attack.

The Pokemon in question turned out to be a Bulbasaur. It glared back at Kakuna and then glared at the humans and Pikachu for daring to harm its friend.

" Wow, a Bulbasaur they are pretty rare in the wild," Brock exclaimed

"Bulba," Bulbasaur growled a challenge with distrust in his eyes at them before running off with Oddish.

"Ash I'm surprised you didn't try to catch the Bulbasaur," Brock commented as Austin blinked before remembering that Ash did try in the show. "Didn't you say you were hoping to catch a Grass Type to balance your team?"

"Well, something about the Bulbasaur just seemed off and I was too busy thinking about that," Austin said quickly.

"I suppose so," Brock said as yellow groaned about missing her chance to catch the Oddish.

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