Chapter no.126 Clefairy's Will

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"Misty calls, Sharpedo."

The Pokémon that appeared in the water looked like a large, blue shark with black eyes, fins on all sides, and large, powerful jaws.

" Thunderbolt ! "

" Stop him with Hydro pump!"

A powerful, pin-pointed jet of water slammed into Clefairy, the mere momentum of it pushing the fairy pokémon backward, disrupting the very momentum of energy he needed to perform an adequate thunderbolt.

Sharpedo however, wasn't done yet.

"Use night slash!"

" Attack with brick break ."

The two attacks slammed into each other, though night slash, which had a higher critical hit value, made a deep gash into Clefairy, causing the fairy pokémon to groan in slight pain.

" Use gravity on the water ."

Clefairy's eyes glowed a powerful blue, as the entire water column rose like a giant tide, much to Misty's chagrin.

"Throw it down onto Sharpedo!"

"Swim over and use another night slash on Clefairy!"

"Meteor Mash!" Austin exclaimed while revealing one of the moves that Clefairy had learned in the previous battles but didn't show it.

The two attacks slammed into each other, with Sharpedo sent flying back to the pool, while Clefairy groaned in pain as that night slash was a critical hit.

Austin held out his Pokeball. "Clefairy, return!"

"And Ash Ketchum returns his Clefairy, Does he have any other pokémon to counter Misty's Sharpedo?"

"I choose you, Pidgeot!"

With a screech, Pidgeot soared up into the air, staring at the shark-pokémon still in the water.

"Pidgeot, use gust!" Austin commanded.

The avian began to beat her wings faster, creating an extremely powerful gust, causing severe turbulence in the water body.

"It won't work, Ash," Misty yelled from the other end. "Sharpedo's swim easily in turbulent seas. A little gust of wind isn't even comparable."

Is that so? Thank you for the information. Austin thought inwardly.

"Pidgeot, use twister."

An entire column of water rose from the water platform, forming a tornado, as it sucked Sharpedo into it. However, Sharpedo being who it was, was quickly able to maneuver through the raging sea storm.

"Use Ariel wing on Sharpedo!" Austin called out.

"Dive into the twister."

Just as Misty stated, Sharpedo quickly vanished into the twister, away from Pidgeotto, turning Pidgeot's attack into an impenetrable defense.


"Release the twister and use air slash!"

The twister dissipated, as Sharpedo found himself back in the pool, easily dodging attacks from the avian.

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