Chapter no.116 Cynthia

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"What is this pokémon, Mr. Astolfo?" She asked, stringing at the tiny little pokémon in the person's hands. It looked like a shark-like pokémon, only it had two tiny hind limbs to stand upon. The entirety of its body had a bright blue shade. Its jaws were so large, that she couldn't help but wonder if it would topple over should it open its haws while standing.

"This, my dear Miss Shirona, is a Gible." Her favorite professor beamed at her. "You know of my clan, right?"

"Yes, the Wataru. You told me that." The little girl laughed, holding her palm on her lips. "Astolfo Wataru, what an odd name."

The man snorted. "Well, Astolfo isn't my true name, per se. It's just a name I have taken to leave my old self back at my clan village." The man paused. This wasn't a time to be nostalgic about his past. "However, this Gible is-"

The ten-year-old snorted again.

"Anything funny?" Astolfo asked, raising his eyebrows

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"Anything funny?" Astolfo asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Nah—something of that sort." Cynthia continued despite her giggles, "It's just a funny name. Gible!"

The little land-shark pokémon gave an annoying bark at that.

Cynthia giggled again at its antics.

Astolfo looked halfway amused. "Well, that it is, but it is a dragon species and grows up into a mighty dragon, one that is known as Garchomp."

Cynthia's eyes widened as large as saucers. "Garchomp? Like the one you have?"

The man nodded. Garchomp was, in general, one of the most powerful of all dragon kinds, they might be almost unparalleled except by the likes of Salamence of Hoenn, and the beast known as Hydreigon in the far reaches of Unova. "Yes, and more. This Gible, my dear, is very special. His color, if you notice, is a very bright shade of blue, a contrast to most Gible who have a more subdued version of that shade. This is what… you might know as Shiny."

"A shiny pokémon?" The twelve-year-old princess of the Shirona name looked at him in awe. "Is this a shiny pokémon?"

"Yes, it is, and that is why I wish for you to have it." He paused, "as your starter."

"A… shiny dragon, as my starter?"

"If you agree to a condition."

Cynthia raised her eyebrows, trying to look intimidating like only a ten-year-old could. "Which is?"

"You will never tame another dragon in your life."


[ Present Day ]

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