Chapter no.53 Pidgeotto vs Bulbasaur

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" Do you want to come with us?"

Bulbasaur looked at Austin warily before seeing Pikachu, Raticate, and Scyther waiting for his answer and he smirked, jumping out of Melanie's arms to land on the ground, pawing at it.

"I think Bulbasaur wants to battle you first," Brock observed after being silent for the whole conversation. "But what about this village?"

"Yeah," Misty said giving a nod. "Who will protect it?"

"Bulbasaur has indeed done a great job, but none of these Pokemon should remain here forever and ever," Melanie said sadly. "After they recover they should leave but it's too safe here so none of them return to the outside world."

"I can see why," Yellow said with a nod.

Austin also gave a nod before looking at Pidgeotto. "You want to battle one last time before heading to Prof. Oak for your break?"

Pidgeotto gave a nod as Bulbasaur got ready.

Pikachu had a look of disappointment as he wanted to battle, but relented as Pidgeotto wouldn't be traveling with them as much after this one.

The others stood off to the side to watch the fight as both Pidgeotto and Bulbasaur were staring each other down.

"Quick Attack!" Austin ordered quickly as Pidgeotto responded while Bulbasaur countered with Vine Whip to get her to back off as she was trying to get a clear shot in. "Double Team."

Bulbasaur narrowed his eyes at the numerous copies as one of them slammed into him causing him to roll on the ground before it happened again.

Having enough, he sent a barrage of leaves out, destroying the copies before seeing the real one dodge, allowing him to slam a Vine Whip into her causing Pidgeotto to hit the ground where he tackled her.

"Pidgeotto, you alright?" Austin called out as Pidgeotto quickly stood up, down but not out. "Twister!"

The wind from the Dragon Type move blew Bulbasaur off his feet as a Vine Whip shout out and wrapped around a tree, allowing himself to land on the floor as he made his way through the wind before another Quick Attack slammed into him and he was sent bulb first into the tree, stunning him.

Deciding that was enough, Austin threw an empty Pokeball as Bulbasaur was sucked in.

The ball began to wiggle as everyone watched with bated breath before finally, it stopped with the small 'Ding' sound showing that it was successfully captured.

Austin quickly took the Pokedex out and hit a certain button to delay the transfer mechanic and switched it to Pidgeotto's Pokeball, but not before he looked at the bird.

"Pidgeotto, thank you for the great battle." He said to the bird who gave a small cry as she puffed her chest out in pride. "I'll call Prof. Oak the next chance I get to see how you're doing."

Pidgeotto gave a nod as the other Pokemon ran to her to say their goodbyes, knowing that they had limited time before she had to go.

Fearow was silent seeing that but his eyes met Pidgeotto's and he gave a small, curt nod to her returning it before she was returned.

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