I have to get rid of him

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Hael was looking at me with curious eyes, almost as if he was trying to look into my soul. He stood there with a wash bowl and a towel in his hands. The situation was quite creepy as we stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Why are you here?" I finally asked.

"Where else am I supposed to be?" He kept his eyes on me, looking for something.

At the magic tower I guess! Where else!? I let you go so you could go anywhere! Why come back!?!?

"Why did you come back?" I asked,

"Because I belong to you." For some reason he kept looking into my eyes.

"I freed you," I replied, "I let you go and told you to do whatever you wanted." I felt frustrated. It just doesn't make any sense for him to come back, "I even gave you the necklace-" My hands reached out for my neck, "So you wouldn't worry-" I paused. I felt something around my neck.

I noticed the gemstone necklace was around my neck.

The heck!?!?

I looked down at it, frowned, then looked back at Hael.

"You returned it to me?" I looked at him in shock, "Why?"

"Weren't you testing me?" He asked

"What test?"

"To test my loyalty," He said, "I'm yours. I won't leave you,"


I stared at him in disbelief. Then let out a sigh as I realized what happened. I just got him out of punishment and then abandoned him at the edge of the city. He might have thought it was a test.

But you know what doesn't make sense?

I'm sure he has magic, kids discover their magic starting from age eight and even if some people discover it late, they do discover it till their fifteen.

It takes time to hone it. Even if a person is a genius, it takes time to take it to a level to be confident enough. His magic must not have reached its full potential yet if he hasn't killed me or anyone. My guess is, three years from now, he has the power to control so much, it was easy for him to kill every single person in the manor and not worry about the consequences at all.

Moreover he got rid of the spell on his heart. But he can't undo it now. That's why I gave him the gemstone. So he had no reason to come back.

Absolutely none.

I know he hates me and everyone in the mansion.

So what's with this loyalty bullshit?

"It wasn't a test," I got off the bed, "I told you to leave, you were free," I stood in front of him and stared back at him, "Tell me the real reason you came back."

The water in the washbowl created a tiny ripple in it, then calmed down while we both looked at each other.

"I already told you," He stepped towards you, "Because I'm yours,"

His words made me angry. And along with it, it ignited the fear of being killed. He's lying with such an innocent face, it's making me feel uncomfortable.

"My Lady," He took another step towards me, "You should wash your face and get ready," But him coming closer sent a chill down down my spine

"Stop!" I yelled and he stopped, "Out of my way," I can't show him I'm scared. I pushed him out of the way, causing some of the water to splash on Hael's arm but I paid him no attention. It will create suspicion that my obsession suddenly turned into fear, "Tracy!" I called my maid, "Tracy!"

I need to find another way to get Hael out of the mansion!

I walked up to the bedroom door and opened the door to look outside but the corridor was empty.

"Tracy isn't here," Hael came over, "I'll take care of you today."

I looked back at him.

I need time to get my thoughts straight. He didn't even give me any space to collect my thoughts. I wonder how long he was standing by my bedside?

I'm sure he saw my uncomfortable expression as soon as I woke up. The past me would not have done that!

I walked to him and grabbed the wash bowl from him, "Leave,"


I stepped aside, "Leave," I said in a stern tone, "Now,"

He was shocked once again. I'm sure he's even more suspicious now. If I think about it. If it was the past me, I would have jumped into his arms as soon as I saw him by my bedside and he would have played along too. But he only played along because I had his weakness in the palm of my hands.

This is confusing me. I have to get rid of Hael first, then I'll think about it.

But he chose not to leave.

"My Lady," His expression turned grim,

"I told you to leave," I ordered him, "So leave,"

He didn't. Instead, he stepped closer to me with a serious expression. I gripped the bowl tightly in my hands as he got closer.

"Why?" He closed the distance between us but glady the bowl was there to keep him a little bit away, "Are you abandoning me?"

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