Why want the core?

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Hael and Queen Helena glared at each other while everyone else in the room was horrified and they weren't just terrified, they were also confused. The soldiers couldn't believe their ears just like how I couldn't and they began to whisper amongst themselves.

"He's Princess Hestia's son?" A distant voice reached my ears but I didn't turn to look at anyone. I let them whisper.

Princess Hestia? Is that Hael's mother? But where is she? Wouldn't she know about Hael being here?

"Didn't he die?"

And what's with this? Did the elf people think Hael died? When? How? He must be young then, since he was a teenager when he came to the Cory Manor.

"But no one ever found his body, so maybe he didn't die?" No one confirmed it? They just assumed he died and took it?? That sounds so suspicious!

"He looks like her,"

"Maybe Princess Hestia lied about him being dead." Oh? But why would she lie? I glanced at Hael.

Or is it that she hates him too?


No... I hope not...

"But why would she lie?"

"Wait, wasn't it Queen Helena who said he was dead?"

"Didn't she just make the announcement?"

They were very busy gossiping when Hael spoke again and the voices immediately died down.

"That woman is not my mother," He said calmly. From all I've gathered, his relationship with his mother wasn't very good. That must be why he didn't understand Rika's words and her 'treasure'

"..." Helena only grimaced at his words. They seemed to have hurt her but at the same time she couldn't bring herself to say something back to Hael. As if his words were true. Not literally, but maybe figuratively. Then she sat back down on her chair, "Sorry, I-" She placed her hand on her forehead, "I didn't mean to yell." She closed her eyes for a second and rubbed her temples.

"It's alright," Hael's poker face remained but I noticed his earring. It was when the light hit his crescent moon shaped long earring that I noticed it again. He wears that a lot, "No offense taken." He passed her his professional smile, "Should we get to business now."

The Queen let out a deep breath, "Yes," She removed her hand from her head, then straightened up, "You want a piece of the mana core?" She asked the question for affirmation.

"Yes," Hael replied, making everyone in the room nervous.

"Is he nuts?" And the whispering started again which he efficiently ignored. I knew he could hear everyone, he just chose not to pay attention to anyone at all.

"Why would anyone demand our mana core?"

"We'll have to wait and see what he wants,"

"Why do you want it?" The Queen asked and all the ears in the room stood up. There was an anticipation which was broken by the speaker very easily.

"Personal reasons," Hael replied, "Why? You're not going to give it to me?"

"Not without knowing why," She answered with a serious look, "The mana core- even a tiny piece from it is too strong for a person to handle. Especially if the person is a human." My heart skipped a beat at her words.

"My reason for using it will not be disclosed in public," Hael replied with a stern look, "That's final." I understand his part. He doesn't want to expose me. If word gets out that it's for me, everyone will start to doubt my powers too.

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