Her brother's secret

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It was an understandable question.

"I didn't agree to it," I wasn't exactly lying to her, "When I told my father and brother I didn't want to get engaged, they locked me in my room. They gave me a week without any food to 'think it over'."

I was just telling her what happened to me in my past life.

She turned her head away and looked down.

I placed my hand on my forehead, removing my bangs to the side, "My father gave me this a few weeks back."

She glanced at me, sparing my scar a glance, and then she looked away.

"... I would hate living with a family like that too..." She whispered. I hate it too, I always hated it but after learning what it's like to truly live with the warmth of a family, I hate it with a passion.

"And you don't need to worry about my engagement. With how much Prince Lyal delayed the engagement, I can tell he hates the idea of it as well."

"But if you go missing, people will look for you, more so since you would be a prince's fiance."

"Or maybe they'll pronounce me dead and Lyal would be more than happy to have me gone."

"..." My words ended up shocking Serena. I'm sure I'm saying things she would never even think about normally.

"Anyway, I'll think about how to deal with it, so that's my problem."


"I understand your situation, but still, If I help you, I'll be going out of my way." She looked at me and I knew she was testing me, "Why should I do that?"

I gave her a subtle smile, "Remember when I told you I knew something about your brother?"

Her eyebrow twitched, "Yes," She picked her fan from the table, "I've been wanting to hear about that."

"Before I tell you about it, I want you to understand that knowing about this information alone is helping you save your whole family,"

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion but she didn't let it show in her words, "Go on,"

"There's this drug called 'Black sun'" She raised her eyebrows at me but let me talk, "It's making its way to the aristocats secretly. Your brother is one of the nobles taking that drug,"

"How are you-" I knew she would get offended, it's a normal reaction.

"I'm sure you already saw something," I cut her words, "You're close to your family, unlike me, I know you must have noticed something off with him. Your brother is getting addicted."

"How do you know this?" She looked angry, "Why would I believe you?"

"I won't tell my source," I said, "I'd like to keep it with me."

"A drug addiction making its way to the nobles should have caused an uproar." She shook her head at me, "Your words don't hold any merit at the moment."

I smiled, "It will," I whispered, "When it starts destroying families."

She frowned, "What?"

"The suppliers are very meticulous. Initially Black Sun is offered to the aristocrats for free, in the late night parties, just for 'fun'. But in reality once they get the people addicted they start demanding obnoxious prices for the drug. So obnoxious, even your father is going to have a hard time." I looked straight into her eyes when I said that and it unnerved her, "The plan is to destabilize the nobles. But you still have time to save your brother."

She stood up and looked away. For a moment she remained there, I could tell a number of things were going through her head and then she walked out.

I didn't move from my place. I watched her go out and through the window, I saw her pacing around thinking about what I had just told her. Arms crossed and eyebrows creased, she had a lot going through her head.

This is my only bet. The only safe bet I have. If she doesn't agree, I'll need to look somewhere else. The problem is, if I go around searching for things myself, everyone around me will get suspicious. Serena belongs to the duchy and she holds a lot of power just by being the beloved daughter of a duke.

She doesn't need me, but I need her.

There will be a few things, only she'll be able to pull off easily.

There was a knock on the window which snapped me out of my thoughts.


Serena, who was standing on the other side in the open space, gestured to me to come out. I did as I was asked and walked out of the store to talk to her.

"I'll help you," She agreed, "But only if what you told me about Jerry is true," Ah, right, her brother's name is Jerry.

I smiled, "You can take your time," I nodded, "And when you've confirmed it. Send me a letter to tell me you'll be my best friend."

It took her a moment but she understood what I meant by that.

"Alright," If we were going to exchange letters, they should be in code words so no one would find out, "My carriage is here," She turned to look at the gold plated carriage that just parked near us, "Hopefully, we'll meet again." A servant came and helped her into the vehicle and I stepped back.

"We will," I told her confidently, "I'll be waiting for your response." She nodded in response and closed the door. The coachman started the carriage and I watched it leave.

Tracy came out and joined me.

"We need to shop for the dress," I was about to turn around and go look for a simple dress shop when I noticed someone walking towards me.


My eyes went wide when I saw him

"Hael?!?" I was not expecting him to come here, "What are you doing here?"

He stopped a step away from me, with his hands behind his back and a haughty smile he replied, "What else? I'm here to help you choose a dress."

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