My happy place

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"I am not going anywhere with you," I said in an aggressive tone.

Hael put his hand on his chest, right at the place where I placed mine and pushed him away. He stared at that place for a second in what looked like disbelief but I couldn't be sure since his expressions were blank.

He then raised his head to look at me.

And while I glared at him, Hael's expression softened as he noticed the fear in my eyes, a hint of concern flickering across his features. Stepping further back into the room, he made more space between us which made me relax a little for some reason.

I didn't say anything and continued to stare at him.

He presented his hand to me, "Come to me," He said, his voice was soft.

"No," I replied, "I'm not coming to yo-"

"I'll take you back," He said and I paused.

"You will?" I blinked at him in shock. I wasn't expecting him to agree so easily.

"I will," He nodded as he kept his hand there for me to take, "But first, come to me."

"..." I frowned, "Why?" I was skeptical.

"I'll heal your feet," He said, "And then I'll take you back," His words carried an undeniable sincerity, which I found odd yet there was a comfort that I found myself longing for despite my lingering apprehension.

He wants to heal my feet? I glanced down at them. I completely forgot about them for a few minutes.

I looked up at him again, he hadn't moved, nor did he retreat his hand away, and his action softened my heart a bit.

He did keep healing me when I was dying...


How long did that take?

"..." Slowly, tentatively, I took a step forward. Letting the railing go, I stepped into the room, closing the distance between us as I kept staring at him with eyes of suspicion

He made no sudden movement and waited for me to go to him.

As I reached him, I stopped and stared at his hand.


Then I placed my hand on his palm, his touch was gentle as he closed his hand.

"Come," He guided me towards the bed and made me sit down there. I took a seat and raised my head to look at him. His hand came toward me, startling me.

I closed my eyes as soon as his finger barely touched my skin. But then there was nothing. He simply brushed aside a lock of hair that had fallen across my face. I opened my eyes again and looked at him. His silver-gray eyes met mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine, yet there was warmth there too, a flicker of something I didn't understand.

"Let me see your injury," He murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. With a sense of resignation, I nodded and he knelt down to touch my feet.

It felt awkward but neither of us said anything. I gulped, and kept my eyes on him. He didn't look back at me as he examined the injury. His touch was surprisingly gentle, his hands moving with a grace that belied their strength.

"How long was I asleep for?" I asked wanting to get rid of the awkward silence

"Both of us slept for four days." He replied, "And that's after I had made sure you were okay."

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