Stupid little thing

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"My Lady?" Hael gently stroked my back with one of his hands as we sat in my room, on my bed, "Are you okay?" He spared me a glance but I looked away.

"Why are you here?" The tears were falling down my cheeks and I didn't want him to catch how red my eyes had gotten.

"Are you mad at me?" He moved his hands and gently cupped my cheeks, turning my head to look at him,

"You're asking me that?" I gritted my teeth, "After what you did?" He tried to look at my face but I looked away, "I want you gone," My eyes stung.

"Really?" He made me look at him again, "Even though you love me?"

"I don't," I told him and attempted to look away when he moved ahead and planted his lips on mine


It was like fireworks going off. His kiss was everything – passionate, longing, and just downright perfect. I melted into him, feeling like I was floating on cloud nine. The way he moved his lips on mine sent waves of pleasure coursing through me. It was tender yet passionate, a dance of tongues and sighs that left me feeling breathless and alive.

It felt too good to be true. And that's when his hands lowered to roam around my lower body


The small part between my thighs felt wet. The bubbling desire inside of me desperately wanted to burst out when his long thick fingers rubbed the most sensitive parts of my body.

"Oh!" My body was on fire the next moment, "GOD!" I couldn't help but move my head away and let the words out because this felt like it felt so intense.

Hael lowered his head, joining his lips with mine intensely as he stared at me. I closed my eyes for a moment and then opened them again to meet his gaze. I interpreted the turbulent lust in his narrow, deep pupils of his and was shocked to realize that there was a deadly determination in them as well.

He pulled our bodies together, closing the distance between us. I gulped. The fire danced in me and I found myself wanting him even more.

"Do you want to have sex with me?" He asked,

"Mmmm," I answered, my mind fogging up with all the intensity.

"Look at me," He moved his hands and made me look at him and once my eyes were on him, he spoke again, "Tell me," I nodded at him and he smiled. But his smile turned sinister and then he began to laugh.

I got confused but at the same time an ominous feeling began to settle within me.


"Oh," The look in his eyes changed from tender to cold, "My dear lady, Corvina," His hands slipped from my face to my neck, "What a stupid little thing you are." And he choked my neck, causing my oxygen to block


"As if I would ever love you,"


I gasped as I woke up in a cold sweat

Oh God,

I sat up on the bed, breathing heavily. A lingering haze of desire clung to my consciousness like a stubborn mist. My pulse had quickened, and a flush had crept across my cheeks

"Oh My God..." It took me a moment to grasp reality. I had to look around my room to see that I was alone here indeed.

And then I felt pathetic. The sun wasn't up yet so the room was a bit dark but I could tell the sky was getting lighter


I calmed down for a few minutes, then brought my hands to my neck, then to my heart.

I saw such a heart wrenching scene, I cried myself to sleep and what do I dream of?

Of Hael making love to me. A knot had formed in the pit of my stomach, a mix of confusion and frustration swirling within me.

I let out a sarcastic laugh.

Something is insanely wrong with my head. How could my subconscious betray me in such a cruel manner? How could it conjure up such vivid fantasies involving the very person who I know hates me.

Shame had washed over me like a tidal wave as I grappled with the conflicting emotions that threatened to consume me.

I buried my face in the palms of my hand in humiliation. Because beneath the shame and confusion, there had lain a deeper truth – a painful acknowledgment of my feelings. Of what I still desired deep inside of me.

"I'm so stupid..." I whispered the words to myself, "So fucking stupid," My heart ached, "A stupid little thing."

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