My peace is here

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"W-what are you saying?!!" My cheeks blushed in embarrassment. I was not expecting him to blurt out such crude words. I noticed the gazes of all the people around me.

Oh No,

Did they all hear that? My heart skipped a beat, there was an odd silence mixed with the chattering and I knew many of the customers were trying to listen.

This is not the type of conversation other people should listen to!

"Why are you acting like you don't remember?" Hael paid no heed to anyone and continued to speak, "You forced me to sleep wi-" I slapped his mouth shut and leaned towards him

"I did no such thing." I glared at him, "Don't make me the villain." My heart pounded in my chest, "There was no forcing,"

This fool!

He's going to create such a fuss with those words of his!

Cory came down the stairs and Aira came out of the kitchen. They both passed by the counter and started talking there. I knew immediately that they were trying to help me out. They had started chatting loud enough to cover Hael and my voice.

Hael grabbed my hand and brought it down from his mouth, "But you did." He said,"You were the one who seduced me."

"W-well, who told you to get seduced?!?!" I tried to remove my hand from his but he didn't let me.

He let out a soft chuckle and brought my hand down but kept mine in his, "I wonder, what was wrong with me?"

"Let my hand go," I demanded.

"Why?" He asked, "You put it on me willingly," He refused my request, on the contrary, he moved his hand slowly, making me notice all the movement as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

I gulped, "Why are you doing this?" I looked at him as my heart acted weird. He was still as beautiful and handsome as ever. On that note, with those classy clothes he was wearing, he looked even more charming.

He looked back at me, "Doing what?" He replied.

Someone called Cory to have their order taken and Cory walked away but she didn't stop talking with Aira, as the distance increased between them, so did their voices. It made the customer who called Cory frown.

I guess his plan failed.

"You said you're not here to kill me, then why are you here?" I asked. I did not want to beat around the bush. It's been two years already. I can't believe he was still looking for me. And the moment he noticed me, he came for me

Why? Why would he look for me now? For what purpose? Everything between us was over that night he burned the mansion down.

There's nothing left between us

Hael stared back at me, "I was curious," He said,

"Curious?" I was baffled, "About what?"

"I wanted to know where you were, what you were doing," He spoke with a straight face,

"Why?" I asked, "There's no need for you to be curious about me,"

"Why not?" He asked, "You are my master,"

"Was," I corrected him, "Not anymore," My words made his eyebrow twitch. I removed my hand from his and this time, he let my fingers slip away, "Whatever we were, is all in the past and it's gone." I told him, "And you and I went our separate ways, we have no reason to see each other,"

"..." He stared at me, his expressions were a bit hard to read but I still hoped that my point got through him, "Did you know what was going to happen that night? On your eighteenth birthday?"

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