The Time That Made Him What He Is :Abandonment

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>>Hael ( Age-13)

I closed the door and went back to sleep that night. Their conversation had ended after Helena just gave up on her and left.

The next morning The Queen came to be while I was in the library.

"Hael," She sat down next to me in the far corner where no one came to bother me.

"Yes?" I closed my book that I wasn't even reading. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened to me yesterday. I kept feeling like I was getting betrayed and the only thing trying to keep me strong was my mind.

And the only solution my mind had was blocking out feelings. But still, there was a limit and I felt awful.

I would watch my mother from the corners of the palace as she spent most of her days either sleeping or crying or staring into space. I wouldn't go up to her or even attempt to start a conversation because she never acknowledged me anymore


All the other elves loved their children. I saw them loving their children, playing with them, talking with them, laughing with them.

So I could tell something was wrong with me. There must be something wrong with me, why else would my own mother not even talk to me?

"I heard what Laila did," The Queen said, "I mean I had a talk with her about why she did it."

"..." I looked at her

"She, along with some other elves seemed to have misunderstood when I said I'd make you two a pair. I wasn't talking about marriage, I was just talking about making you two partners. The purpose was simply to get you out of your shell."

"..." I looked away. There was no point in it anymore, I wasn't going to leave the palace again and I didn't care about this 'Laila' who almost killed me or the other kids who bullied me.

"I see," She sighed, "You're not interested," She stood up, "Well, it won't happen again," She began to walk away, "I'll try to do something about it."

As if

Years have passed and my situation hasn't changed. Perhaps that's not her fault, she's an elf and human years mean nothing to her. But I couldn't say anything to her. I simply watched her back as she left, because she was the only person here who would come and talk to me.

She felt like the only connection I had to the living world and I didn't want to complain to her.

Deep down, I didn't want her to stop talking to me or behave the same way my mother was behaving with me, so I kept my mouth shut.


It was one of those nights where I went to sleep thinking about my mother. I saw something today. I saw a mother playing with her triplets from the window of the library and I couldn't help but stare. It was when I was leaving that they caught my eye, otherwise I don't sit near the window to ever look out of it.

A knot formed in my stomach and weirdly enough, I felt like I wanted to cry when I saw them.

While I watched the boys play with their mother, watched them jump on her as she laughed and caught them, then swung them around, a few tears rolled down my cheeks.

Huh? I touched my cheeks to check what was happening. I was crying?

I had no idea I could cry like that. I thought there was something wrong with me but something so small made the tears stream endlessly.

I sniffled as they laughed, their chuckling felt like it was poison to my ears. I bit my lower lip to stop the pain in my heart but the physical pain did me no good, it wasn't able to stop my aching heart.

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