Chapter 41

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The rest of the night was quiet. Mom actually came home and had dinner with me for a change. She didn't rush off to be with friends or go on a date. Sitting in the kitchen, eating together, and talking about our days was a nice change of pace. I knew tomorrow I'd be back to eating dinner alone in the living room in front of the TV, watching a movie I'd already seen a million times. Once dinner was over, she disappeared into her office to do some last-minute work before she went to bed. I stayed in the kitchen, loaded the dishwasher, and was about to press start when the doorbell rang. I tossed the towel onto the counter and hollered I'd get the door because Mom would've let them keep ringing the doorbell until they gave up and left. 

"What happened?" Chloe asked, barging past me. 

"Shh..." I held my finger to my mouth, then pointed toward Mom's office. I motioned her to follow me to the kitchen. "She doesn't know," I whispered over my shoulder, walking down the hall. Once we were both in the kitchen, I started the dishwasher, about to say something to Chloe, when I heard Mom walking down the hall. I pressed my finger to my mouth, then pointed to the doorway. 

"Hi, Chloe. I was wondering who was at the door." Mom walked over to the wine rack and grabbed a bottle and opener. Mom opened the bottle, poured herself a big glass, and then carried them both out of the kitchen. "Nice to see you, Chloe." 

"You too," Chloe answered back. "Tell me what happened." She stepped closer to the end of the counter, placing her hands on the edge of it. "I don't have much time." She pressed her lips together. 

I sighed, closing the refrigerator door. "Fine. Ashton knocked the shit out of Rhys." I handed her a glass of juice. 

"That's what I heard, but I want to know why." She took a sip of apple juice. "So..." 

I cut her off before she had a chance to finish her sentence. "What do you mean that's what you heard?" I set my glass on the counter. "How did you find out?" 

"Uh...Everyone knows." 

"Oh, my god. That means Claudia knows." I placed my hand on my forehead and turned to face the sink, leaning on the back of the counter. "Which means she's going to confront me the minute I step out of the car." I dropped my hand, wincing when it slammed against the edge of the counter. I grabbed my wrist, rubbing the side of it. Who did you hear it from?" 

She tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. "Really?" 

"You heard it from Braedon. Let me guess, Ashton told him?" I turned around, grabbing my apple juice, wishing it was something stronger. Chloe shook her head, yes, sipping her drink. I motioned Chloe to follow me out of the kitchen. She reminded me that she couldn't stay long but wanted to make sure I was all right. Once in my room, I closed the door so we could talk without Mom trying to listen. The minute the door clicked shut, Chloe started rambling off that she had heard what happened in math class, then asked if that was what the fight was about. I propped my pillows against my headboard and scooted back against them while Chloe copied my move. 

"Are you okay? Seriously?" She leaned forward, trying to look me in the eye. 

I shrugged, still trying to process what had happened. I didn't know how I should be feeling. That was the first time Ashton came to my rescue like that. I mean, he's stood up for me before but never beat the crap out of anyone. So, I wasn't sure how I should be feeling.

"Have you talked to him since this afternoon?" She scooted toward the end of the bed to face me. He told Braedon that he was the one that drove you home this morning. How did you get your car?" 

"He didn't take me home. We went to the beach instead and talked. Which is kinda funny because he apologized for not sticking up for me to Claudia."

"Wow..." Her eyes widened with shock. Because Ashton wasn't one for apologies when it came to Claudia. Claudia had him fooled for the longest time. 

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