the party | 2

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We had 30 minutes left before people started showing up, after a while of casual talking Nate brought out beer and now here we were slightly tipsy, by now everyone was scattered across the room, Matt and Issac were sitting across the room discussing football, Lexie, Yila, Harry, and Nate were sitting on the floor infront of the tv playing Mario cart, and every one else was on their phone scrolling mindlessly to what I guessed was insta.

"What do you guys think of the new teacher?" Lexie asked while zooming past Harry's cart and winning first place

Harry got up and angerly replied "that's not fair you distracted me"

"Now now harry jealousy isn't a good look on you" Lexie said while smirking, Yila and Nate silently laughing not caring at all that they lost

"Wait what new teacher?" I piped in, I've been so occupied with planning my birthday this past few weeks that I haven't been caught up to the latest news.

"Miss Jaison I think?, I forgot" Isaac guessed coming towards me taking a beer at the table and sitting back down

"First of all it's Jackson, second why are we talking about her?" Christy said finally looking up for the first time since the subject was brought up

"Are you blind?, she's like Angelina Jolie but blonde" Lexie countered back

With that I stood up and went over to the kitchen which was next to the living room so they can still see me as there is only a counter dividing us

"I'm sure my father was meant to tell you but he probably just forgot" with that I froze, Lexie's dad was the principal so it didn't surprise me when she knew something no one else knows

"Why does he need to tell me about it exactly?" I asked opening the fridge"I mean couldn't he just text it in the school gc if there something new happening?" I took out a bottle of water and took a long sip

"Since your the school president he wanted you to be the one to show her around the school" Lexie turned back to the big screen infront of her and said "anyways you knew that this was bound to happen, I mean after mister Lockwood got caught with the meth lab and stuff"she shrugged

I made my way out of the kitchen while thinking, Lexie was right our former English teacher was in jail right now, but I've always presumed that one of the other less busy English teachers at our school would take over.

Deep in thought I suddenly squealed when I felt hands wrap around my waist and placing me in someone's lap like I weight nothing, "Isaac don't do that you scared me", I breathed out smiling

With that he kissed me and I kissed back, pulling away he said "why is this bothering you soo much anyways?, you just have to show her around then you won't have to talk to her that much afterwards"

"I am not bothered" I defended

"Yes you are, you do that thing were your face is all cute when your thinking really hard" Matt said chuckling softly, I playfully kicked him and he said, "oh come on chicken you know it's the truth"

For as long as I can remember Matt, Harry, and Nate always called me chicken, they said that it was because my nickname reminded them of chicken curry, and it didn't help that I would always chicken out whenever we did something that would get me in a lot of trouble, but that was back then I grew out of my chicken phase a long time ago, and yet the nickname stuck.

I scoffed with that while rolling my eyes and went to stand up "anyways how do you guys even know about this aside from Lexie"

"It's like all over twitter and insta" Yana finally said while offering her phone, taking it into my hands I scrolled and saw everyone's take on this new girl. "It's a pity that the photos of her got deleted, she's soo pretty"

"HA see she even managed to pull a straight girl" Lexie said while grinning

"Hey I never said anything about me wanting her, I just simply stated that she was pretty, which she is." Yana said defensively

Reading the tweets I soon find out that she's around her early 20s, has blond hair (thanks to Lexie), green eyes, and can make any gay guy straight.

Katie watched the entire scene happening, how she saw her best friend be so intrigued by the idea of her, she wasn't an idiot, she knew curi likes Isaac, it's just that she didn't think curi loves him the way that Isaac loves her, and she had a strong feeling that this teacher would make her realize that. She couldn't let that happen, can't let curi start something she can't finish. then suddenly she spoke up, "I think that's enough oogling over a teacher since let me all remind you, SHES A TEACHER"

That's all curi needed to wake up, what the heck am I doing, she thought. "Ok Katie's right we shouldn't be talking about her like this, I'm gonna go upstairs and touch up my make up before people arrive, anyone wanna join me?"

All the girls said yes and they went upstairs to get ready together, while the boys stayed downstairs and would be greeting anyone who arrives early.

The girls and I decided to have our own party before going down stairs, the conversations consisted of all the gossips I missed and our plans for the next week before class starts again

After awhile when we could hear talking downstairs and music playing, me and the girls went downstairs while making a big entrance

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER FOR THE BIRTHDAY GIRL CURI" when Nate said that everyone ruptured into cheers

The party went on like that for a while and 3 hours later it was on full swing, beer can be smelled thru the air, couples making out in the corners, and I was dancing along with everyone else.

Once the song was over, I saw Isaac heading towards me, something taking over I suddenly felt the need to drink something so I headed over to the kitchen, leaving Isaac behind, to fill my cup with beer or whatever the available liquor was, just then Katie walks in her eyes lighting up when she sees me,walking over she yelled over the loud music "HAVING FUN?"

"OMG YES YOUR LIKE THE BEST EVER" I exclaimed handing her a cup I just filled, she happily took a sip and her face twists like she just tasted something bad but then she bursts out laughing

I gave her a confused look while taking a sip from my own cup, "WE ARE SO GONNA REGRET THIS TOMORROW"

I started laughing with her "THAT SOUNDS LIKE FUTURE ME'S PROBLEM",

"COME ON LETS GO DANCE", hand in hand we left the kitchen and made our way to the center of the room where we saw the others, Isaac looked disappointed when he saw how drunk I was, not caring I danced with Katie and the rest.

and that's how the rest of the night went, us drinking, having fun, and playing party games.

A/N: soooo what do y'all think?, I feel like I'm gonna make this English teacher cold on other students except for curi. I'm so excited to write scenes about them, I felt like puking every time i write about Isaac and unfortunately I will be doing it a few more times:(

Word of the day-
the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily.

Word count:1288 words

Will Always Be You (wlw) (Teacherxstudent)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora