your new hell | 10

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A/N: slight tease ahead🤭.

"everyone take your seats" she said walking into class, students hurried to sit as she stared daggers at those who were still standing up, "if you are in my class that means your knowledge and vocabulary are much more advanced than others", she scanned the room and I couldn't help but sit a little straighter, turning around she picked up a chalk and began writing the name 'miss Jackson' onto the board, "my name is Miss Jackson, and you will not be calling me anything other than that or expect detention", the air was as thick as butter and the tension so sharp you could nearly cut it, nobody dared to break the silence and with that she smirked knowing she grabbed everyone's attention. "Welcome to ap English literature"

When I tell you that her class was hard, I mean that I would rather be Hamilton writing 51 articles in the span of 6 months with no technology than stepping foot inside of her classroom again. by the end of class, she sent 2 boys to the office for talking back to her about her class rules which were stupid, I don't get why we're not allowed to have our phones out in class, even tho our school is the only decent one where nobody actually uses their phones unless it's an emergency. Not only that but other things that mister Lockwood allowed us to do back when he was our teacher. After she proceeds to give a 50+ slides PowerPoint presentation which made my hand go numb. It would have been fine, but the worse part is.....she ignored me.

I am now walking to the cafeteria for lunch, carrying 2 weeks worth of homework that was due tomorrow. My head was buzzing as to why her entire Demeanor changed in the span of 2 hours, all I know is I much preferred the happy and flirty Jessy rather than that...thing.

"I'm gonna take it that you faced the wrath of English?", Christy said while harry was besides her looking at the ground traumatized.

"So you understand my struggle" I sat down next to Katie and harshly placed the papers onto table creating a big thud. With that Harry seemed to get out of his trance and look at me with absolute fear in his eyes.

"Is it too late to change schools? Maybe countries?" He said looking around terrified that she might over hear

"Guys I think you're over reacting" Yila piped in, "it's probably because it's the first day"

"Easy for you to say, you haven't had a class with her yet" Katie replied besides me.

"What about chick fil a?, would that make you feel any better?" I asked harry who looked like he might have a mental break down. Everyone agreed to go out for food to celebrate being back together after the break. Since we lived in a pretty decent neighborhood, we were allowed to go out for lunch incase we don't like what they serve in the cafeteria. As we were standing up to exit the room, I placed all the English papers in my bag only to realize that one of my books weren't in it.

"Shit" I whispered under my breath, "guys I left my book in miss Jackson's class"

"You can't go back there, she will eat you alive" harry told me worriedly

"It's fine really, she wasn't mean to me when I gave her the tour" they nodded and said that they would wait for me outside.

I opened the door to miss Jackson's Class room without knocking, I assumed that she would be at the teachers lounge. But clearly I was wrong, there standing next to my desk was miss Jackson holding my book.

"Miss Jackson?", with that she jumped clearly suprised thinking that she was alone, turning around to face me, her anger vanished when she realized that I was the one who entered the room.

"What are you doing here curiosity?" She said placing the book down on my desk, then she approached me and closed the door so that no one could overhear our conversation, "did your parents never teach you how to knock?"

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